Reduce My Ecological Footprint (Free Essay Example)

📌Category: Ecology, Environment, Life, Myself
📌Words: 1100
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 23 September 2022

As I was completing the quiz, I was feeling very confident that my ecological footprint would not be very big as I thought that some of the aspects of the quiz, I answered were good answers and had a not so negative aspect so seeing what my overall effect to live like me was shocking. Now looking at it though I would say that the results are looking very accurate seems as a lot of my answers on the survey were closer and or higher when trying to measure my usage of specific items. Seeing that for everyone to live like me would require 5.4 earths. Seeing that majority of my footprint came from the categories of food and goods I thought about it and realized that a lot of what I buy is processed and comes from factories that produce a lot of gas into the environment which can then also be said about my second biggest contributor which is goods. This is relatable because buying clothing and supporting certain companies adds to the pollution and CO2 production. In terms of mobility, I’m actually shocked at how little of an impact this had on my environmental footprint seeing as I’m always commuting everywhere I go via it be me driving and or taking public transit. I guess though with me Always traveling with a group of people and or taking public transit with others instead of being an extra vehicle on the road is a good thing for the environment which is what makes my result for that porting a little lower than I expected them to be. Also having access to all of these services and goods can be very tempting but what people don’t always think about are the long-term effects of what was happening and how what they do might have a negative on the earth. I for one just found out how much of an effect I have and can’t wait to explain how I plan on helping out.

Now knowing what my environmental footprint in this world is I feel like I can finally begin trying to lessen my impact on this planet and try to lower my chances of increasing my global impact and footprint as well. Below I will explain some of the ways in which I plan to help lower my global footprint.

My first way of lowering my global footprint would be to start eating less processed food and eat more non processed food as it would allow me to eat better and would allow me to play a part in both benefitting my health and maybe stop and play a very very small part in helping them lower the pollution rate they might produce as they might see a possible decrease of want or need of their product. 

Another way that I could also lower my ecological footprint is to go about commuting less by myself and not using my family’s car when going to places and or locations that are very close by. Instead, what I could do is always use public transit as it would be one fewer vehicle on road as well as I would allow myself to cut back on gas consumption when going places. Another thing I could do in this scenario is carpool more often than I already do and use this to my advantage when out and about. This would help cut back on the rising climate change crisis which is being caused due to the abnormally large amount of CO2 gas being emitted from all vehicles and ways of transportation. These are small but very efficient ways to help cut back on traveling impact.

 Thirdly, when it comes to goods and how I can lower my footprint on the earth and the environment I have realized that buying into a lot of market trends and always trying to keep up with what is in style could be what’s affecting this aspect of my footprint the most. One of my prime examples I would say is online shopping and then having the items delivered. This would be an issue because at the end of the day when you order an item online and have it shipped that is a vehicle that has to be on the road polluting the air for you to get something you could’ve gotten yourself and let’s not forget that sometimes when you do order something it might be getting sent via airplane, train, and or boat which all-cause pollution as well. Instead, my plan to fix this and lower this aspect of my footprint would be to maybe make a plan to carpool to the mall with your friends or commute there using public transit and then look for and get all you need when threw to prevent all of the shipping fees and would surely cut back and or at least take me out of the equation of being a contributing factor to all of the pollution being produced due to shipping services listed above.

Fourthly, when consuming goods trying to be more mindful of the effects for which they have on the environment is something that I always try to do but never can seem to stick to when in the moment. I think a way I can fix this issue is by always just thinking about the negative effect it has on the environment and not just for humans but for the wildlife as well. This means maybe buying organic food to avoid allowing those harmful pesticides and materials into the water and environment for which we as humans may consume and the wildlife live in as homes. If I considered the effects when shopping for such goods I would for sure spend the extra few cents to save the environment from this happening.

The last way that I can stop this all from happening to the environment and the planet is to keep track of what I do and how I am choosing to go about and keep track of how I do things. By using all these tips above I thought of, I could significantly decrease my footprint on this Earth by a lot only by doing a few simple steps. Now, this might not have been a clear idea like the rest but the joint idea as a whole is something that could help me going forward create a more sustainable future for those to come after.

It is for the following reasons above and the results of my quiz that I think I could genuinely have a good effect on my ecological footprint and to clarify that means decreasing how much of everything I use. I also think that before I do anything I should say to myself what is the most efficient way I can do this so that way those to come after me have the right and privilege of going places safely and more efficiently when traveling, as well as enjoy the goods and services that I got to enjoy as well. My ecological footprint begins to decrease today.

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