Essay Sample about Amazon Rainforest

📌Category: Environment, Environment problems, Nature
📌Words: 545
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 21 February 2022

The Amazon Rainforest in South America is the largest in the World. In recent years Loggers, Cattle Ranchers, Tree Sappers, Settlers, Amazon Tribe, and Environmentalists try to use or protect the Rainforest. This has caused conflict among them. One side says that you should use the Rainforest and another one says to stop damaging the Rainforest.    People should be able to modify the Amazon Rainforest if they do not destroy the forest because it helps the country make money, jobs ,and gives us Most of the world's medicine and could cure cancer.

To keep most of the world's medicines we need to preserve the Amazon Rainforest. In source B it says two thirds or more of all drugs with cancer fighting properties come from  the Amazon Rainforest. The Amazon Rainforest is also home to tons of animals. Some of the animals also help cure people. The bat's saliva helps prevent heart attacks. The leeches saliva helps dissolve blood clots. And the frog secretions help treat infections, mental illnesses, and HIV. If deforestation continues we could lose most of our world's medicine and a lot of animals. The amazon is home to about 85,000 species of plants. In source C it shows that eighty percent of the cause of deforestation is because of cattle herding.  That shows that there are a ton of animals. So I personally think that we should modify the Rainforest. Another reason for deforestation is because of fires because they spread really quickly because of the close together bushes.

To raise the GDP we need to cut a little bit or modify a little of the Amazon Rainforest. In source E January to May in 2019, the GDP dropped by half. In 2014~2016 The real GDP went into the negatives. Because of that, it might make them go into poverty. Brazil is one of the poorest countries in the world Other countries don't trust you because you can't take care of yourself and your people. Because of that, they should modify a little of the Amazon Rainforest to make some money and get them back on their feet. In source F it shows that a lot of Brazilians don't have jobs. In 2019 13.4 million people don’t have jobs. From 2012 to 2019 5.8 million more people are unemployed. Another reason for people losing their jobs is because of covid. This is bad because it makes people go to extreme measures to make money and support themselves or their families. They might rob someone or even kill someone to make money. They have a responsibility to make jobs for their people. I think we should modify the rainforest to make jobs for people.

I think that we should be able to modify the rainforest if we don't damage it to a point where there is no way to repair and don't damage too much of the Amazon Rainforest. Source C shows that most of the deforestation is because of cattle. Source B says that most of the world's medicine comes from the Amazon Rainforest. Source E says that Brazil is about to become in poverty so they should make money by modifying the Amazon Rainforest. Source F says that 12 percent of Brazilians are unemployed or underworked so they need more jobs by cutting down a part of the Amazon Rainforest. 

I think that people should be able to modify the Amazon Rainforest if they don't damage it too much because it is one of the most important places in the world.

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