Persuasive Essay Example: Animals Should Be Cloned

đź“ŚCategory: Animals, Environment, Genetics, Science
đź“ŚWords: 311
đź“ŚPages: 2
đź“ŚPublished: 06 October 2022

You may have never imagined a world in the future where there are mammoths, but this is not true. Thanks to cloning, scientists can recreate an organism by using its DNA. This magical technology first succeeded with cute little Dolly. Cloned on the 5th of July 1996, this little cute sheep was one of the world's biggest scientific breakthroughs, but cloning this fuzzball had its let-downs: it had taken 277 tries. Well, cloning at that time wasn't as good; technologies have been developed, which makes it much more efficient than cloning in the past. This handy dandy cloning tool can help us recover endangered species from the dust and make them the time of the future. As you will see, it makes sense to clone animals because more genes enter the gene pool and more medicines can be made.

To begin with, animals should be cloned because, it allows for the introduction of more genes into the gene pool, which results in healthier animals. Additionally, Scope, an informative school website, states that “Because there were only seven BFFs, the gene pool is really small. The gene pool is all the traits that can be passed from parents to offspring.” And “When you have such a small number of animals, those not-so-healthy traits can get passed on. And that can prevent an endangered species from recovering.” (Mary Kate Frank) As the quote says when you have a small number of animals not so wanted traits can get passed on like slow reactions, troubling the offspring, and when put in the wild those traits make it harder for the offspring to survive, dooming the hard work put into breeding. Let me explain more, a quote from the same source says “Wild BFFs suffer from many health problems. But Elizabeth Ann is not related to them. Her children and grandchildren could bring healthy traits back to the wild population.” As Elizabeth Ann, a cloned BFF (Black-Footed Ferret) can have a healthy life, it shows that cloning can help endangered animals.

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