Haiti Earthquake Essay Sample

📌Category: Disasters, Environment
📌Words: 697
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 22 October 2022

Earthquakes can have a lasting effect on health and finance. The earthquake that struck Haiti is no exception. In a dire time of need, several nations were willing to help the poor nation, sending resources and personnel. “The outpouring of support from millions of people in the immediate aftermath of the earthquake in Haiti has been impressive.”— Bill Gates. How can one earthquake cause such a worldwide effort?  

On Tuesday, January 12, 2010, at 4:53 pm local time, an earthquake hit the nation of Haiti, in the Caribbean, with a magnitude of 7.0. The epicenter was located 16 miles west of Port-au-Prince, Haiti's capital city and residents experienced violent tremor activity. Concrete masonry blocks were used to build many of the buildings in and around Port-au-Prince, causing major damage to the city. Buildings in Haiti did not have the proper support to withstand an earthquake of such, or any, scale. Thousands of residents were trapped by the collapsing buildings (Haiti earthquake). Eventually, on January 24, Haitian government officials estimated over 150,000 dead. By February, that assessment was raised to a sickening 230,000, with an estimated 300,000 injured, with many more staying in camps along the streets (Earthquake hits Haiti, Jan 12, 2010). A BBC correspondent Matthew Price was among the first British reporters to the scene. "This is a particularly grim sight," Price reported from a hospital in the capital. "The stench is overwhelming. There are over 100 bodies here, adults and, at my feet, a baby. Perhaps even more uncomfortable is that people are bedding down for the night… sleeping among the dead." (Haiti earthquake: survivors' stories). With a contaminated water supply and unhygienic living conditions, infectious diseases begin their inevitable spread. In a meeting with the WHO’s executive board in Geneva, Dr. Margret Chan, head of the World Health Organization, commented, "We are seeing the difficulties that arise when disaster strikes an already disastrous public health situation" (Earthquake hits Haiti, Jan 12, 2010).

The aftermath of the earthquake was worldwide. Search and rescue teams, as well as medical personnel, were sent from countries around the world, including the United States, the UK, Israel, the Dominican Republic, Canada, Brazil, Italy, and Cuba. Namely, the Dominican Republic was the first to send aid in medical and rescue to Haiti, having sent aid immediately after the earthquake (Earthquake hits Haiti, Jan 12, 2010). As well as the residents struggling to keep hope in great tragedy. Hotel Villa Creole employee Dermene Duma told of a group of women singing traditional religious songs during the night. "They sing because they want God to do something. They want God to help them. We all do."(Haiti earthquake: survivors' stories).

Aside from rescue aid, many recovery teams were built to preserve the historical monuments (Earthquake hits Haiti, Jan 12, 2010). Richard Kurin initiated a recovery project to retrieve and stabilize more than 30,000 items of cultural heritage; participants in this project include America, Haiti, and several other international organizations. Karin's project provided conservation courses, workshops, and apprenticeships to over 100 Haitian participants. Furthermore, when asked Karin, then the Smithsonian's undersecretary for history, art, and culture, highlights: "We cannot survive if we cannot draw on our history, heritage, and community. Culture gives us the strength to move forward” (Pickin up the pieces).

Later studies about the event reveal some important scientific info. A study at the Delft University of Technology revealed some interesting information. A quote from Delft University states that we can confirm the long-term effects earthquakes have on the Earth “Besides seismic waves, earthquakes generate infrasound, i.e. inaudible acoustic waves in the atmosphere. Here we show that infrasound signals, detected at distant ground-based stations, can be used to generate ground-based stations, and can be used to generate a map of the shaking intensity that can be demonstrated with infrasound from the 2010 Haiti earthquake detached in Bermuda, over 1700 km away.” (New findings on planetary science: 2010 Haiti earthquake revisited). Later interviews revealed the feelings of those involved in or responding to the earthquake. As head of Israel's ZAKA international rescue unit, Mati Goldstein, a veteran of a gruesome terrorist bombing, described the situation as a “day in hell” (Earthquake hits Haiti, Jan 12, 2010).

In summary, quakes can lastingly affect well-being and money. The tremor that struck Haiti is not a special case. In a desperate period of scarcity, a few countries were able to help the unfortunate nation, sending assets and workforce. The generous flood of help from a great many individuals in the quick fallout from the tremor in Haiti has been amazing.

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