Essay Sample on How to Stop Nature from going Extinct

📌Category: Environment, Extinction, Nature
📌Words: 426
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 26 August 2022

Why are trees growing instead of a fabulous city? What will happen if trees are no more? What will happen if our natural resources like food are gone forever? There are many answers to these questions but there is an answer to all these questions. Conservation, we can save mother nature and trees by alerting the public on how trees are demolished to make fancy new buildings. We can also try to plant two new trees for each tree that is being destroyed so that we can double the number of trees and save the earth. Another problem-solver for trees would be to let compost waste in a bin and decay it as soon as possible, so we can mix it with soil/fertilizer and use it instead so our trees can grow faster and stronger. This is the biggest and the greatest solution, shop eco - friendly and think about each thing you buy and waste because each time you buy something that is not eco - friendly a tree is being cut down. Be a person who wants a great future not a person who wants an extinct future.

When you help the trees you can see another generation thanking you for saving the future from being destroyed. We can make a big garden for each community and grow things there so we can be a part of helping trees. We could use natural pesticides on our trees and plants so they can grow more nutritional. As you can tell there are many ways that soil can be contaminated but the main reason is garbage inside the soil like plastic and glass and chemical liquids that will harm the ecosystem. We don’t generally notice but have you ever wondered why the apple you eat has very smooth skin, even though you wash the apple and eat it still has wax all over it. You can’t see it because it's a very thin layer and each time you eat an apple without peeling and washing it properly in hot water you are still eating wax. Strawberries and spinach are some yummy foods but they are the most easily contaminated foods, they sometimes have tiny maggots in them and are very high in pesticides. 

Have you ever noticed that sometimes you put the veggies and fruits in the fridge all cleaned up and pick them up to eat and see a bit of mold on them and throw them away? Well, that’s the biggest issue for the ecosystem is food waste. Food waste is a good thing when it is going to compost but most people in the world don’t care about wastage because they don’t care about mother nature and how the future is going to be.

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