Softest of Tongue by Vladimir Nabokov Poem Analysis

📌Category: Poems
📌Words: 425
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 17 January 2022

I am certain that you have heard the quote stating that change is inevitable. Usually it can arise unexpectedly, but the individual can also invoke change for better or for worse. The nature of adaptation can be thought of as an instinctual response that is used when new surroundings are brought upon an individual. Humans are equipped with the ability to adapt to a certain extent because as adversity emerges it can be difficult to adjust to current circumstances. That is why learning to accommodate to the realities of accepting the process of natural alterations is important. By doing so, we can improve our well-being. The past is unchangeable, but that does not mean we cannot learn valuable lessons from the past.  Finally, adaption can be a factor in our lives that can ultimately lead us to major successes. In Softest of Tongues, Vladimir Nabokov demonstrates the 

Learning how to accept, overcome, and forget about the past is something that everyone should strive for when adapting to new situations. Constantly thinking about the past in a negative way not only inhibits our growth as individuals but also prevents us from moving forward in our lives. In the poem Softest of Tongues, the author makes a reference to a “thumbless glove” which represents and symbolizes his life. The “thumbless glove” can be thought of as a useless and meaningless object, which corresponds with his experiences. The heavy burden of all the setbacks, bad experiences, and mistakes that have been made only weighed him down. That is why fully accepting the past and adapting to the future is significantly important not only for personal development, but also for an increased sense of freedom. The mood in Softest of Tongues can be described as feeling grief and sorrow. 

When we unravel our past, we gain perspective on our life. When we become conscious about our past, we can dissect our past and reconstruct our narrative about who we truly are as individuals. We can redefine ourselves and who we want to be. Not only that, we can find valuable lessons that can be of good use in our present life. At the start of the poem, the author begins with, “To many things I’ve said the word that cheats the lips and leaves them parted…” This means that he said goodbye to many things. However, when he reflects on his experiences, he expresses the pain he felt within. This can be applied to anyone. Our history can provide us with wisdom which can therefore prepare us for adaptation in the future. As you become more adaptable, you will be able to manage adversity more effectively without it overwhelming you. Finally, adaptation can either set us up for success or failure. For example.

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