The Impact of the Media on the People’s Social Attitudes (Essay Sample)

📌Category: Entertainment, Media
📌Words: 618
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 10 October 2022

In this essay I will talk about the impact of the media on the people’s social attitudes. It is a well-known fact that media is considered as the third government, which means that it has a huge role in the society and how the people view different kinds of things. To go into further details, social media has a significant influence on how we think/see about cultures, economy, and in general, the world. (Amedie, 2015) 

Media is always directed to covering the social problems, such as poverty, education, and everything that are related to those above-mentioned topics. Not only people get fresh information, but also shape self-awareness and ideas about various of important aspects.

A survey of 5,000 digital media users in five unusual places in the world presents a positive image: about half of the people admitted that their digital media use had improved their overall quality of life – both socially and professionally. Only one in seven participants of the survey opposed it. (“How Does Digital Media Really Affect Us?”).

Another great example I would like to discuss is the worlds’ most talked about yet painful topic, the war between Russia and Ukraine, which was provoked by Russia and until today it is still going on. Digital media made it possible for people to state their own opinions and ideas, through social media, even though those ideas can be a complete mess and cause a lot of chaos and arguments within the comments on different platforms of social medias. The news that is mostly published by the Russian news channels or websites is false information, disinformation- the term that applies to that kind of news.

To get into more details, on the morning of 24th February 2022 Russia attacked Ukraine, which, logically caused a lot of danger to people’s health. (McKee and Murphy, 2022). The news media around the world posted on the official websites talked and discussed on popular TV channel networks. If it would not be posted on social media, the case would be much more difficult, everyone protested and still protests. The fund for Ukrainian people was opened and people from all the places in the world donated different amounts of money. Many public figures, such as football players, models, actors, and singers posted on Instagram to show solidarity and more people got to get information about what is really happening currently.

It has been reported that more than 1000 people have been killed, and 20 % of these have been raped before being killed. This is brutal, but obviously, social media causes people to worry more because the details are further explained with terrifying real-life images.

In 2008 technologies were not so popular, the war between my country Georgia and Russia began on august 1st, as now Russia invaded Georgia and killed multiple people, if the media was more used and popular, people would get more information about what, how and when was happening and Georgia would get more help from the other countries. The above-given sentence shows how media is important and can change the perspective of many.

What we used to think was impossible, today with media it seems completely normal and usual. The biggest and the most noticeable influence the media has on people is stereotypical thinking. People get used to comments others make on some topics and most of them (especially younger generation) think it is right everything that is posted on social media and start thinking the way their ‘’idols’’, which can be celebrities/famous people. Media can also cause disinformation to spread easily and make people panic without a solid reason or just make the ongoing situation even worse for the online viewers, as it is happening now with the whole Russia- Ukraine war. To sum up, online platforms have an influence on the way we interact with each other, the way we think, and the way we want to see things. Without digital media, the world would get less informed, and it would have been harder to have general knowledge.

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