The Importance Of Marriage Preparation Essay Example

📌Category: Family
📌Words: 476
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 23 February 2022

Most couples will probably spend more money and time preparing for their wedding day than actually preparing for their marriage.

In my opinion, I gree that "Engaged couples shoud be required to take marriage preparation classse for three months before their wedding"

Why is marriage preparation important?

There is a growing body of evidence which demonstrates that when thay have a happy ang health marriage, their children  will benefit immensely from it. Their marriage will be big impact on their parenting and their children learn a lot of about their marriage. Whereas relationship breakdown has many adverse effects on families and society. There are many reasons to destroy their marriage from objective and subjective factors. The first, the problems of communication in marriage. When they can not comminicate with their spouse, they will  not adjust to marriage life, clarity their marriage expectations. The second, their differences on various issuse like sex, finances, parenting, politics, ect. It will be made confilict and misunderstandinh.

This demonstrates the need for marriage preparation to equip couples with skills to face challenging times to prevent negative behaviors from breaking their relationship down. Marriage is hard work, but is worth it. When thay attend the preparation marriage classes before three months, they will learn about issues such as conflict resolution and communication improvement. There classes will be help them work together to make their marriage last. The content is centered on topic and skills such as how to prepare for the marriage challenges that lay ahead as soon as possible, how to resolve conflicts, arguments, and compromise with your spouse, and how to agree on money, set financial goals, create a family budget, ect.

Geting married devoid of proper pre- marital training can be likened to beginning a business venture without praparation. Most marriages contracted without the necesary preparation, both physically, and psychologically, end in divorce. While engaged, most couples consider themselves happy, and they premuse that they enjoy perfect relationships, therefore do ot prepare with regard to dealing with misunderstandings which may arise later when they are married. Therefore, engaged couples should be rquired to take marriage preparation classes at least three months before their wedding.

Example: I spend 01 year  to take marriage preparation classes foe one full year before my wedding at the church which near my house. There are many inportant point must learn, however, in my opinion the most important I must learn is how communicate with my wife because most of conflicts from misunderstand. When I can communicate with my wife, I can nogotiate about how to adust to marriage life, how to reslove conficts, arguments, and compromise with my wife, how to clarity my marriage expectations and how to agree on money, st financial goals, create a family budget, ect. I learn the way to always try to look at things from both sides, I have never afraid to apologize and ready to correct my mistakes. Sometime, I don't know what I must to do in my marriage, I will get advices and counseling from completely objective person sch as my parents, friends and marriage consultant.

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