The Role of Mistakes in Discovery Essay Example

📌Category: Philosophy
📌Words: 462
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 20 September 2022

It is too easy to say, “Without mistakes, no discoveries can be made,” (Edison, 7). A Discovery is when a person learns something new. Some discoveries can happen on accident and others on purpose. Most people discover new things because they’ve trialed and errored many times. Mistakes are a key part of discovery because you reexamine your discovery, find new ways, and continue trying.

First of all, mistakes are a key part of discovery because you can reexamine the discovery. “It took more than 20 years, a lot of patience, and many mistakes before Raytheon perfected a microwave oven that people could use and could afford,” (Melted Bar of Chocolate, 7). Similarly, “We learn wisdom from failure much more than from success,” (Series of Quotations, 8). To add on, many inventors discoveries have been made from mistakes. After they made those mistakes, they tried again multiple times until they succeeded. For instance, Thomas Edison’s invention of the light bulb took a time to complete because Edison made mistakes with the light bulb but continued to more trials until he succeeded. However, others argue that mistakes don’t always directly lead to discoveries. 

Additionally, a key part of discovery is mistakes because it can help find new ways. “The typical role of a mistake in science is not to lead to a brilliant invention, but to teach a scientist how to do better next time,” (Praise of Careful Science, 8). Likewise, “We often discover what will do by finding out what will not do,” (Series of Quotations, 8). In addition, when most creators make mistakes, they try to find out a way to fix their mistake. For example, after making the mistake, Thomas Edison looked at his mistake a found another way of possibly maki8ng the light bulb. In contrast, others argue that mistakes don’t help you find a new way of fixing your discovery. 

Furthermore, mistakes are important to discoveries because you continue to try. It took more than 20 years, a lot of patience, and many mistakes before Raytheon perfected a microwave oven that people could use and could afford,” (Melted Bar of Chocolate, 7). When scientists do experiments and the experiment doesn’t go as planned, they have to figure out what went wrong. Then, they do the experiment again and gain until it finally succeeds. Moreover, others may believe that mistakes don’t push people to keep trying, but instead bring them down.

In a nutshell, mistakes are a cornerstone for discoveries because you reexamine your foundi9ng, find alternatives, try again. When mistakes occur, the best solution is to analyze your mistake so that the [person can see what they did wrong. People find alternatives because their first option didn’t work, so they try to fix it with other options. Lastly, a key part of discoveries is mistakes because when someone makes a mistake in  discovery they do it again and again until they discovered something new. Most discoverers and inventors will tell you that most of their discoveries were discovered by mistakes.

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