The Kindness Shown Around Philosophy Essay Example

📌Category: Philosophy
📌Words: 439
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 27 August 2022

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines kindness to be “An act of sympathetic or helpful nature”, but that doesn’t satisfy me. It is a complex term to comprehend yet simplest to realize. As said by Mark Twain, “Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see”. A term so abstract can hold numerous meanings which may vary in accordance to each person’s perception, but if looked at from a broad perspective, it can be used to mark any act done to make the world a better place. 

Being kind in nature toward the people, environment and everything else around you will always find its way to repay you. From small considerations toward someone to selfless acts of kindness, anything done to build a flourishing world is appreciated by everyone and the doer as well. Being one of the seven virtues, it is the driving force of nature and everything in this world. 

Kindness not only makes the doer feel better, it is also contagious. It activates the reward and pleasure centers of the brain and creates a ripple effect, encouraging others to continue the cycle of goodness. 

In the midst of everything in the world, the beautiful rainbow of kindness is a rare sight to behold. Howbeit, not too long ago, I experienced something that has solidified my belief in kindness. I remember when I met my very dear best friend. For someone who barely even knew me in the start, her finding me in time and helping me out while I was going through a hard time baffled me. I didn’t understand why someone would ever spend their time trying to help someone else. I was a firm believer that people only go to others when they need something. But upon introspection, I realized that her caring about someone other than herself and not expecting anything in return was out of the kindness present in her heart. I’m really grateful for her and we still talk every single day. 

Kindness is not only for others but for oneself too. In the current day and age, many people work relentlessly and for long hours in pursuit of success but at the cost of their own health and that of their relationships. Loving and showing kindness to yourself is also a crucial aspect to consider since you can only be as kind to someone else as you are to yourself. 

“We’ve all got light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to action.” - Albus Dumbledore

I believe in the ability of free will and the power to make our own choices. It is how each person chooses to wield that power that defines who they really are, so the final question is: Are you ready to join my best friend just as she wielded the power of kindness?

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