The Theme of The Children’s Story by James Clavell Essay Example

📌Category: Books
📌Words: 444
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 19 August 2022

While one could argue that the theme of The Children’s Story, by James Clavell, is the great influence of teachers, for good or for evil, there is sufficient evidence to support the idea that the true theme is that children are innocent, and that their minds are particularly susceptible to manipulation.

The first way that James Clavell shows the theme of the story as the innocence of children is as follows: the children were immediately inclined to trust their new teacher because she is pretty. The teacher is described: “But instead of a monster, a beautiful young girl stood in the doorway. Her clothes were neat and clean, all olive green—even her shoes. But most important, she wore a lovely smile, and when she spoke, she spoke without the trace of an accent.” (Clavell 2) The children did not know what to expect, but they were afraid. They were sure that whatever was going to happen, it couldn’t be good. When their new teacher comes, and doesn’t appear to be a monster, they are less afraid, and more inclined to trust her. In their innocence, children are, as with many adults, inclined to trust beauty.

Another example of the innocence of children is that, with a few simple words, the teacher is able to persuade them of anything she wants. That everything they had ever thought was right before, was wrong. In particular, the teacher persuades them to lie to their parents. ““You can [pray] if you want to, children. If your daddies and mommies want you to. But we know, you and I that it means nothing. That's our secret.” “My dad says it's wrong to have secrets from him.” “But he has secrets that he shares with mommy and not with you, doesn't he? All the children nodded. “Then it's not wrong for us to have a few secrets from them. Is it?” “I like having secrets. Hilda and me have lots of secrets,” Mary said. The New Teacher said, “We're going to are lots of wonderful secrets together.” (Clavell 39-40)The children, who are innocent and inexperienced in the world, are convinced to change their entire world view. 

The final example that will be discussed in this essay is Johnny. Now, while Johnny was the only child to show any resistance towards their new teacher, he still succumbed to her teachings. Why is this? It is because, although some children might be less inclined to believe everything they are told, they are still children. Children, no matter how skeptical they are, they are still innocent and susceptible to manipulation. Something that James Clavell portrays very well through the character of Johnny. 

To summarize, there is enough evidence to support that the theme of The Children’s Story to be what the author has said throughout this essay. This being that through their innocence, children are very vulnerable to manipulation from others.

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