Tom Buchanan Character Analysis in The Great Gatsby Essay Example

📌Category: Books, The Great Gatsby
📌Words: 590
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 15 April 2022

In the novel The Great Gatsby, Tom Buchanan is a racist, sexist, and manipulative person and is one of the main antagonists. Tom Buchanan is a very important character in this novel as he played one of the main roles and contributed to a lot of the things that took place throughout the novel. He doesn't care about what anyone thinks about him. He is always the one who was causing most of the problems. He symbolizes a person who is very racist to everyone as well as being a person who takes advantage of people and women. He moves the plot a lot as he creates or causes a lot of problems throughout the text such as him abjecting and hating on Gatsby because he likes Daisy and Tom doesn't like the fact that Gatsby and Daisy are friends.

Tom Buchanan is one of the most important characters in the book called the Great Gatsby. When we first heard about Tom was in chapter one when Nick Carraway, another main character in the book, went over to tom's house because Tom is married to Daisy, who is Nick's cousin. Tom was described as a brute of a man and a great big hulking physical specimen. Which already probably tells you a lot about his personality. Tom is also a very important character because he is the one who is always causing most of the problems. For example, the reason why Gatsby was shot and framed for the murder of Myrtle Wilson was that when tom was coming back into town he was the one who told Mr.Wilson that that was gatsby in the yellow car. Which led Mr.Wilson to believe that Gatsby killed his wife and that he should get revenge by killing Gatsby.

When it comes to talking about Tom and what he symbolizes it's not very hard to tell what he symbolizes in the book. He symbolizes a very rich person who uses their money for bad and uses their money to do whatever they want, for example, him getting married to Daisy, Daisy only married him because he had money and she felt that he could provide a life for her. Another thing is that because he is super-rich he uses his money so that he can live above the law. He also symbolizes someone who is very racist sexist and abusive and is also a cheater. For example, he is constantly cheating on his wife Daisy with his girlfriend in the city of Myrtle Wilson who is also married. 

When it comes to talking about how Tom Buchanan moves or enhances the plot there are so many things that show how he moves the plot. For example, some of the things that make him move the plot are that he is a big contributor to one of the many reasons that Daisy left Tom to go be with Gatsby. One of those reasons is because Daisy never really liked Tom and she felt like she was forced to marry him. As well as the fact that Gatsby would not abuse Daisy-like Tom did and he would provide a better life for her. He also enhances the plot because he makes the book more interesting to read. After all, while reading it you aren't sure what he is going to do next and what trouble he might cause, like him being the main reason as to why Gatsby was killed.

In conclusion, Tom Buchnan is a racist, sexsist and manipulative person who is one of the main characters and antagonists in the novel The Great Gatsby. He contributes to most of the problems that take place throughout the novel and just makes the novel all around more interesting to read because you aren't sure what's going to happen next.

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