Volleyball Is the Best Sport Essay Example

📌Category: Sports
📌Words: 893
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 09 April 2022

Have you ever played volleyball before? The rush of the game, the pressure of serving, and the satisfaction of a spike all make up the exciting game. Accordingly, volleyball is a simple game between two teams, a ball and a net. It can be set up anywhere, from the snow to the sand! Although the game of volleyball is not as widely known as your classic football or soccer game, it is still a good sport. The debate about which sport is the best has been going on for years, but I must say that the award goes to volleyball.

Volleyball has five main movements and six people on the court during the game. The movements are pass, set, spike, block, and serve. When the ball is on your side, the goal is to get it to drop on the other side of the net. The goal is to keep the ball up off the ground and your side. To make it harder, you only get three touches on your side, and each person can only hit it once every time it comes on their side. Also, there are many positions played in a game. First, there is the middle front, who is the best blocker and often the tallest. The middle hitter does not hit as much as the outsides or the right sides, but they crush the ball when they get the chance. Second, there are outside hitters and right-side hitters who are often good at all the movements. Third, there are the right-back and left-back positions, who usually step up a bit behind the front row to get the short balls. They are often called the “wings" because they are close to the front, so they pull in and cover open areas. Lastly, there is the middle back, who gets the deep balls and digs most of the hits. This position is often played by the libero, the player who can only play in the back row and typically is the shortest and the best passer. These are the fundamentals of volleyball!

Volleyball is a popular sport worldwide that many people play every week. About 800 million people play volleyball worldwide, and 37 million of them come from right here in the United States of America! There are many places where volleyball is played, especially in Brazil. Volleyball is an important sport, and it is one of the most popular sports in the Olympics. It has very high ticket sales, and many people watch it online.

One time, Eleanor Roosevelt said, "learn from the mistakes of others. You can’t live long enough to make them all yourself." This quote immediately brings me to volleyball. It is one of the best team sports because it forces teamwork and pushes players to work together. Also, it makes each player do their job, and once they do, the team is unstoppable. If a team wants to win, they all have to work together and cooperate to keep the ball up. The sport of volleyball overall makes players struggle together, and as they struggle, they learn to problem solve and fix their mistakes. In many other sports, the players do not have to work as closely together, but in volleyball, one player missing changes the whole play. Every move makes a difference in the game, and one player has to serve it correctly for anything to happen. That is how much the whole team relies on each other.

Equally important, volleyball also lets everyone have a chance to shine. In some younger leagues, all players have to participate in every game, which is a good building block for when the players advance to stronger teams where that is not a rule. The sport offers an opportunity for players to elaborate on their skills. It lets every player get a chance to show off their hard work from practice or even from home. In volleyball, all players will most likely get to play for at least some time before they have to come out of the game. Although it is not a requirement, most coaches are smart enough to let all of their players rein free on the court at one time or another during the game. The players have earned a spot on the team, and the coaches will realize, at one point or another, that they should get to show off their skills to fans and other teammates. 

Many folks might argue that volleyball is too hard because you have to play both offense and defense, often in the same play, and that football or basketball is easier. A writer on the USA volleyball website stated, “You have to get good at both, along with all those unique skills like spiking, blocking AND forearm passing?! Who has good forearm-eye coordination?” This person claims that you have to learn too many skills and use them in every game. But it becomes muscle memory if you practice enough. Also, working twice as hard as other sports can help get you in shape and get good at both offensive and defensive movements. Furthermore, volleyball strengthens many of your muscles and keeps your body strong. It also keeps you mentally strong because you have to have mental toughness and energy in volleyball games. But even still, volleyball is the best sport anyone can play.

As you can see by watching any volleyball game, many things happen during any match. Any sport could be your favorite, but only one remains the reigning champion of all sports to play. It might depend on where you began or what sports you have already tried, but volleyball can still become your true passion! From letting all players shine to enforcing teamwork, to even its high popularity, volleyball is unquestionably the best sport.

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