Why Football Is Dangerous Essay Example

📌Category: Sports
📌Words: 369
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 08 April 2022

Football is the most  dangerous popular sport. Football causes multiple injuries and in some cases brain traumas/diseases. That causes debilitating the brain when the players get concussions by getting hit in the skull. Football should be more secure in safety for the players. That it would make the sport safer for the players. For example in football there should be better equipment like a safer upgrade helmet. The article says.

Getting directly hit in the head is dangerous. Also brain concussions/traumas in football are very serious. It should be more seriously putting attention on the players, the coaches should put more attention on their players. Is because the students/players think if they tell their coach they are going sideways. The article says ´research says that ‘‘many teens don’t want to risk being put on the sidelines by telling their coaches when they think they might have a concussion.’’

Some ways that football can be safer for Teens/players should be putting new upgrades/features. A way to reduce the danger in the sport would be one of putting new helmets, neck stabilization ect. That is because the current teens football equipment in the schools are using old equipment like from the 1970s. Evidence of what I say, in the article says ´Many young players use old safety gear that’s been passed down long past its prime.´

Preventative measures in football should be the top priority. And it should be taken more seriously in teens/kids/players because their brains are weaker than the older people. The article says ´studies show their brain tissue is less developed than adults.’ And the hit in the teens head causes brain concussions that causes brain diseases in the article, which is  linked to depression, impulse-control problems, memory loss, and dementia.´ The preventative measure should be more secure for the players because it causes serious medical diseases like dementia ect.

In conclusion, Preventative measures and the dangers of Football are very serious situations for our players. That it should be taken more preventatively and more secure is also preventative for football. Like the coaches putting more attention on the players. Also putting more safer and newer equipment at football especially at the teens that are more weak. Football causes a lot of brain disease linked to depression, impulse-control problems, memory loss, and dementia. Finally Football should be modernized in the equipment for preventative purpose measure for safer and secure sport!

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