Admission Essay Sample

📌Category: Education
📌Words: 652
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 17 February 2022

Good writing can mean many different things to everyone. What does good writing mean to me? Good writing to me means being able to understand what the writer is trying to say and that it flows together. Good writing can be shown in many different ways in different peoples' writing. 

Some things that I believe make good writing are being able to understand the writing piece whatever it is that I am reading. If I can’t understand what the point of the writing is it doesn’t make sense. Good writing to me also means that the writing has a purpose and makes me think about what the writing is about, and why it's important. If I read something that makes sense rather than reading something that doesn't make sense such as an article I will gain a lot more knowledge rather than the article that doesn’t make sense. 

Everyone has a different reason for why they are wanting to take this class. I am taking this class because I want to become a better writer and make writing easier on myself. I am wanting to take composition one and composition two as well, and succeed in that class. I am hoping that out of taking this class I will be able to do well in both composition classes as well as become a better writer. 

Writing helps out in many ways both short and long term. I have already used writing in important parts of my life such as, important emails, papers due for school, and many essays. I use writing in my everyday life. I also know that long term I will be using writing to explain when I apply for a job. In the future I’m going to want my writing for the job to be perfect. 

When given an assignment related to writing there are many ways to approach it. When I am given an assignment related to writing I usually write an outline or notes on how the order of my writing will go. I also tend to brainstorm ideas before beginning writing my assignment. I believe this helps my writing go more smoothly. After I have a rough draft I then go make my revisions and add other needed details or information. 

There can be many strengths and weaknesses when it comes to writing. One of my main strengths is making sure my writing flows smoothly together, and that my writing makes sense. I believe this is important while writing because if it doesn’t flow smoothly together it won’t make sense. I also do have weaknesses as a writer including my punctuation, and when to end my paragraphs. This can be a problem while writing because punctuation and knowing when to end paragraphs are very important. When adding my resource to the Helpful Resources Google Doc I added free writing because it is helpful in many ways, while writing. Free writing allows you to just write whatever you desire and then put it into something more. This helps because sometimes I don’t always know what to write about. 

There are many things to know about writing. In this class I expect to learn my weaknesses that I mentioned earlier. I believe that my writing skills will improve by the end of the year, and I will know the correct places to put punctuation and when to end paragraphs. I also am planning on learning more things about writing from this class that will help me in future. I hope to grow even more knowledge about writing from taking this class. 

In this class my role will be to be a good student, do my work and finishes with a good grade. All of these things are important because this is going to help me succeed in this class. I wish to succeed in this class because I know even after highschool I will continue using writing. 

In conclusion, good writing to me means that I can understand the writing, it has a flow, and a purpose of why it’s written. Good writing is important because I use it in my everyday life. All writers have strengths and weaknesses. I hope this class will help me improve my writing skills. 

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