Burial Rites by Hannah Kent Book Analysis Essay Example

📌Category: Books
📌Words: 873
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 06 October 2022

Hannah Kent’s “Burial Rites”, a Historical Fiction novel based on Agnus Magnusdottori, was convicted for the murder of two men. As the text explores her past life, and the moments leading up to her conviction. Kent explores the view that ut us Toti’s age and beginner-level status that allows him to mould a friendship with Agnus and help bring her peace before her timely death. This is evident through the fact that younger people would speak and treat adults with respect, no matter who they are. It is his little experience in the job that makes an individual want to do right by his job. Moreover, Toti’s youthfulness means that he is less inclined to believe the stereotypical rumours regarding Agnus, as he is not yet confined to the strict and religious practices of his work type.

While raising their children, parents tend to teach them the etiquette about speaking to people older than the with respect, no matter who they seem to be. Kent portrays this view through the character of Toti, as his first encounter with Agnus, he seems to address her normally, and by her Christian name, a name which others, being traditional Christians would not address her by. This is mainly due to Toti having finished his studies, which people can tell as Blondal “congratulates him on the completion of his studies”. One can tell that having just completed his religious studies, an individual would be following each religious practice to the detail, wanting to do right. Kent shows that Toti used and applies his studies to real-life problems. Toti also offers Agnes “some bread and butter” which Agnes takes as a kind gesture and begins to talk to Toti. Kent implies that Agnus being a superstitious believer took the offering as a blessing, as bread and butter, being a simple yet thoughtful food, symbolises the beginning of a new relationship built on trust. In the same way, Toti, searching for the facts is also what inclined Agnes to open up to him.

Kent shows through the character of Toti, that young people in new jobs are more inclined to find the facts themselves, mainly by wanting to do right by their job. This is evident when Toti ignores all the rumours and goes out to a church to find Agnes' record from “The ministerial record book”. Toti also visits Agnes when she falls ill, and can also show the effort Toti has given in this case. Kent portrays her view that younger people, wanting to do well in their careers, search for answers, rather than rely on the words of others. This goes to show that Toti was more interested in separating Agnus from her crime and looking at her like a human being rather than as just another convict. Agnus finding out that Toti went to her birthplace led her to be shocked and realise that he ignores the rumours, and lies, instead of seeing through them, seeing Agnus as “Human”. Through this Kent, hinted at the fact that Toti’s effort to discover more about Agnus further swayed her to have some hope in him, and ultimately bring her solace before she is executed. Agnus knowing that Toti was a legitimate friend let her trust him, and was still glad to have a friend supporting her, in the end, is displayed when Toti comes to Kornsa to visit Agnus when she becomes sick. Ultimately Toti also could successfully guide Agnus and assist her in developing peace, which helped form a friendship between the two.

Kent illustrates her view that not judging based on preconceptions and giving a person a chance, can give an individual unimaginable hope and strength. This is depicted in Toti’s case when he addresses Agnus by her birth name when speaking to Commissioner Blondal `` oh Agnus is well versed in Christian literature”. To which Blondal is shocked, insinuating that addressing an individual by their Christian name, after whatever actions committed, is “an insult to Christianity”. Kent portrays through the character of Blondal that Agnus’s case is a clear image of Blondals belief when he mentions how “silence should suffice” in response to what is best to address Agnus by. Kent also showcases the view that Toti is new to this type of scenery, meaning he hasn't adjusted his mindset to Blondal’s method as he (Blondal) is old fashioned and stubborn whereas Toti is experienced in the study of religion and church values, which is why Agnus befriends Toti, knowing that he will treat her righteously being an “assistant reverend”. Furthermore, Toti having a connection with Agnus led her to be under the impression that since a reverend is on her side, so is god, Regardless of her actions. This impression allowed Agnus to rest and helped her rest at night. 

‘Burial Rites’ a historical fiction novel, written by Hannah Kent focuses on the life of Agnus Magnusdottir, convicted for the murder of two men, and the events leading up to her current predicament. Kent displays her view that Agnus was able to connect with Toti due to his youthfulness and his lack of experience, and helped make her calm and patient. This is due to his ability to apply his studies, treating Agnus like a normal human being. Searching for the facts, separating Agnus from her actions, to get a better perspective. Furthermore, his will to ignore the rumours, and see through them, was ultimate what gave Agnus hope to allow her to rest - through this kent successfully portrays her view that younger people are more inclined to see a person as a whole, ignore their past, and see a person for who they are.

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