Career as a Proofreader Essay Example

📌Category: Business, Career
📌Words: 457
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 21 October 2022

Everyone has made mistakes in their writing before. It could be for many reasons, such as punctuation, being hard to read, and bad grammar. These may be bad to have in a piece of writing, but the worst thing that can happen to you when it comes to writing, is publishing a piece of writing that is sloppy, unable to read, and long running sentences to the world, where millions of people can see. 

This is where proofreaders come in, the hero of writing. They go by many names, a few of these are copyholder, copyreader, deskman, editor, and rewriter. By their names, you can tell that proofreaders ensure that all written content has correct grammar, punctuation, and syntax. Proofreaders are imaginative, curious, and knowledgeable in a broad range of topics. Some proofreaders must regularly come up with interesting content or story ideas and attention-grabbing headlines. Proofreaders must be able to write clearly and logically. Proofreaders decide whether certain stories are ethical and whether there is enough evidence to publish them. I possess all these qualities and have excelled in my English class. 

To become a successful proofreader, I will need to obtain a bachelor's degree. There are three majors that can allow me to become a proofreader. One of these majors is Communications. Communication will help me to increase my articulation in my writing, which will spread to the ways that I talk and think. The other two majors are Journalism and English. They both are very similar in what they do to help me. Journalism and English will help me to become a proofreader by allowing me to focus on correcting minor errors and inconsistencies. For example, in punctuation and capitalization. Not only that, I will need experience with writing and proofreading in the past.

There are many benefits when it comes to being a proofreader. One of these is being able to work anywhere. Most proofreaders work in offices, whether onsite with their employer or from a remote location, but they’re also able to work from home as well. This allows the proofreader’s job to be trouble free , even if they call in sick and have a paper due soon. Another advantage is, proofreading can provide peace of mind which can allow your communications to be the best they can be and frees you up to concentrate on what you do best. Not only that, but there’s relatively low startup costs, not needing to have a storefront, and not needing to have formal training or certification if you want to start a proofreading business. Although these benefits sound good, everything has their pros and cons. Proofreaders have tight deadlines which makes them more stressful. Not only that, there can be the possibility of having to get further education and experience, and needing to adapt to new languages for your clients. Even if these are the cons of becoming a proofreader, the benefits you gain outweigh the cons that goes along with it.

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