Cause and Effect Essay Example: Teenagers Lack of Sleep

📌Category: Child development, Health, Mental health, Psychology
📌Words: 744
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 22 January 2022

Lack of sleep is a condition that occurs when people don't get enough sleep. Among other things, you may get very little sleep in a day due to several factors. Some people sleep at the wrong time due to a busy day, while others have sleep disorders that affect their sleep patterns. Lack of sleep means you won't get enough sleep for up to 8 hours a night. When you sleep less, as many people do, it can eventually lead to many health problems. Based on the National Sleep Foundation, teenagers from 14 to 17 years old must have 8-10 sleep hours. Sleep deprivation increases the likelihood teens will suffer myriad negative consequences. Enough sleep is important in a way that it leads to better productivity and concentration, lower weight gain risk, greater athletic performance, preventing depression in the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry Trusted shows that children’s sleep patterns can have a direct impact on their behavior and academic performance.

Negative effects of not having enough sleep for teenagers. Lack of sleep can affect physical, mental, and emotional health. Enough sleep is needed for good functioning of the brain, this can improve mental health and avoid the risks that can get through lack of sleep. Low mood, anxiety, irritability, erratic behavior, poor cognitive functioning and performance. Not having enough sleep can lead to mental health changes and problems. Mental health is important in studying, it is also important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood and aging. Some of the most serious potential problems associated with chronic sleep deprivation are high blood pressure, diabetes, heart attack, heart failure or stroke. Other potential problems include obesity, depression, and impairment in immunity. Chronic sleep deprivation can even affect your appearance. Physical and mental are strongly connected. Taking care of physical health can help mental health to function well and improve performance of the body. The other negative effects of lack of sleep are impaired memory, relationship stress, and lack of concentration.

Sleeping on time or having enough sleep can affect students' performance in studying. Think about the student that has enough sleep and not having enough sleep. The student that has enough sleep can focus, brain functioning improves, and a healthy mind will be maintained in contrast to the other student that has not slept enough cannot focus, cannot listen attentively, is more distracted and can lead to failure in academic performance. Having enough sleep benefits our nervous system for functioning properly.

The factors that affect teenagers' lack of sleep;Social media, nowadays, most teenagers have their own gadgets, these are some reasons why teenagers are not getting enough sleep. Teenagers spend a lot more time using social media instead of getting enough sleep. What's more, using social media is addictive, especially to teenagers. Browsing on social media like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Watching Netflix, YouTube etc. makes it harder for teenagers to sleep. Insomnia is another factor for teenagers' lack of sleep. Insomnia is a common sleep disorder that can make it hard to fall asleep, hard to stay asleep, or cause you to wake up too early and not be able to get back to sleep. You may still feel tired when you wake up. Insomnia can sap not only your energy level and mood but also your health, work performance and quality of life. Creating school works, creating school works affect teenagers' sleep having a hard time in answering and creating because the teenagers sleep late at night. Over-thinking at night makes a teenager have some trouble in sleeping. Sometimes people overthink how they can earn money, where to get food for every day, mostly teenagers that have financial problems think about these kinds of problems. Teenagers that are overthinking can get depression, anxiety, stress if they take it seriously and can not handle it anymore. Furthermore, what you are eating can affect sleeping time. According to the Sleep Foundation, A high-carbohydrate meals can impair sleep quality. It reduces the amount of deep sleep and increases awakenings at night. Suni, E., & Truong, K. (n.d.). Nutrition and Sleep. Sleep Foundation. Retrieved September 28, 2021, from

According to the study, love life can affect sleeping. In addition, based on the study of Professor Serge Brand of the Psychiatric University Clinics at the University of Basel in Switzerland, intensely in-love adolescents reported having shorter sleep (by about one hour) than their not-in-love counterparts. Those are factors that affect teenagers' sleep.

Lack of sleep means you won't get enough sleep for up to 8 hours a night. Lack of sleep can affect physical, mental, and emotional health. Mental health is important in studying, it is also important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood and aging. Taking care of physical health can help mental health to function well and improve performance of the body.

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