Course Review of English Language Arts

đź“ŚCategory: Education, Learning, School
đź“ŚWords: 305
đź“ŚPages: 2
đź“ŚPublished: 02 February 2022

ELA is one of the most significant subjects a student can learn in school. It may not have been the most effortless subject, but it always pushed me. I've had many negative and positive experiences in ELA, but overall I've enjoyed and benefited greatly from them.

My teachers did not do a great job of explaining my mistakes so I could learn from them. When I would receive a mediocre grade, they would give me a rubric or write a few words telling me to do something else. Making corrections is useless when you don't learn from the failure. Or I would spend days on an essay and actually give it my all and still get a mediocre grade. That was discouraging and motivated me to give up more frequently. But because of that experience, I saw that when mistakes occur, you have to pick yourself up and do it again. 

It's not about how many times you fail, but how many times you can pick yourself up.  

ELA has been more engaging than other subjects especially reading

I have always loved reading ever since I was a child. Reading has helped me learn about perspective. Teachers made it more fun and engaging. But a teacher can only do so much for a student. It is the student who needs to search. The teacher is there to guide and teach. The challenge was writer's block since that is my one notable weakness in terms of academics. I do love challenges, even if I don't complete them. It's the effort that counts, and that's a win in my book. 

Even though ELA had its obstacles, it has been a positive experience throughout my time in school as a writer. ELA is so important because it lays down a foundation for communication and builds new skills. These are skills I will use for the rest of my life, and I need to make sure that I know how to do so.

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