Essay About Positive Outlook on Single Parents

📌Category: Family
📌Words: 1352
📌Pages: 5
📌Published: 04 June 2022

Changing the narrative: A positive outlook on single parents rasing children despite having a spouse.

My dear friend Erin. I understand you're scared to raise your child alone. You grew up raised by two loving parents and never experienced maturing alongside a singular parent. My dear friend is a strong woman and the power you will hold in this newfound parenthood is going to be beautiful. It's understandable why you think you need a partner to help raise your child. However, I aim to convince you that there are positives to being a single parent. It is possible for you and your future child to still live a happy and prosperous life despite having a partner. In society, today more young adults are choosing to be single parents by choice and overruling the norms of the past. I grew up in two separate households and have experienced both positive and negative aspects of having a single parent. The past viewpoint of a single parent is that “single Parenthood is often approached as a problematic situation” But this narrative has changed in the past (Van Gasse 2223).  I did some research and I have my own experiences to share to show you why being a single parent can be a positive thing and help you find ways to embrace this journey.

I know your ideal upraising for your child has changed. Two parents in one home are how you imagined your perfect family to be.  However, I argue that isn't always the best course for raising a family. I believe in your situation being a single parent can benefit you more than having you father of your child involved.  If parents are not compatible it's better for themselves and the children if they are not together. Having a partner that doesn't want to be involved and is just in your life because he feels he would be outcasted by society as careless is not a lifestyle that will benefit anyone involved.  Having single parents isn't a determinating factor for an unstable childhood. With “the label “single mother” as Doherty and Craft state can be misleading. as it “confounds marital status (single) with parental status (one of two parents)” (64). As your maternal status is not important when it comes to raising a child. But the joy of connection you can gain with your child by raising it alone. Having a strong and trustworthy can be an “effective relationship with kids [will] help them develop better outcomes. (Mahadevan et al. 2509).

You can help set a healthy expectation for your child by setting a realistic goal for your family's future. From an early age, children learn from their parents on basics of life like how to love, eat, walk and talk. As Mahadevan explains “family relationships…matter for children’s outcomes” (2509).  If one parent has rejected the idea of having a child yet stays out of spite it can set a poor standard for their child. Representing resentment from an unloving parent can lead to that child growing up with irregular concepts of how to be treated or how he/she will treat others.  In today's society having a single or divorced parent(s) is becoming more accepted and normalized. It has been proved that “parents' mental health affects child development” giving parents and children a possibility for all individuals to live and grow healthily (Mahadevan et al. 2501). The choice of happiness doesn't fall on parents being together or having a single parent when raising a family. Eliminating the stress of an unwanted spouse can help you focus on your own life. Setting small examples like this can help set healthy and realistic life experiences for your child.

Erin, you are a very smart woman. You have a strong and impressive past with your education. I believe you can use this as a tool. By using the information you have developed through your own past experiences, you can teach your child to be more equipped for the future. Teaching your child simple tasks throughout their life can aim to be an efficient way of helping their cognitive ability to learn. As humans having the ability to problem solve and adapt to life's curveballs is “one of the factors resulting in greater well-being” for mental health and personal self-growth (Mahadevan. 2501). Having your child be responsible with academics can help you ease back into your own life goals by creating less stress for yourself. Seeing firsthand their mother doing the steps to build their educated can lead to the child's interest in expanding their education as they grow. Your parents didn't have time to go to school when you were young. However, your education was still above average because your parents took their time in teaching the fundamental steps. As Mahadevan explains “parents’ education affects their involvement in exposing their children to simulating activities and materials such as reading books and visiting cultural institutions” (2499). Showing by example how powerful and determined you can be, can result in extraordinary results.

change the narrative! By helping reflect the negative stereotype that single face you can contribute by simply doing your job as a parent.  Raising a child alone wasn't always as accepted as a positive role when it came to the social norms of society. The traditional values of older generations had the mindset that to have a “complete” family you first had to get married and then have children. If a woman would get divorced, she would be With ostracized by her peers because it was out of the norm to be a single mother during that era. The acceptance and frequency of single men and women becoming parents in this era were frowned upon. You and your bravery to raise a child alone in the uprising of a new positive era are going to help “the growth of those entering parenthood”(Yorks 15). By embracing your role as a parent you can prove just how powerful of an impact a single human can make. Not only are you contributing to a young developing mind, but also set your child up for their future of acceptance when they grow to be a parent. This narrative is becoming known and time-honoured With subtypes such as other single parents by “changing demographics of single parenthood” that help normalize heterosexual and homosexual men and women in their journey to parenthood (yorks 1). In conclusion, although you may struggle with some acceptance from others. The role you play in your child's life has a significant impact on civilization that will contribute to a more inclusive and accepting future for future generations.

I know your children well being is a major concern for you. As they grow and learn that other families have two parents they will start to have questions. Being open with the children “begins with the idea that shared meanings about family roles are constructed through everyday conversation and interaction inside the family and between family members and the outside world”. By is setting an example of a strong parent you can help set the mindset of having a “male-positive attitude”(Doherty and Craft 64). While many mothers can be hurt be discouraging towards men, it is important to keep the subject positive. Use this opportunity “ to have deeper conversations at key moments” and develop a trust in understanding. (Doherty and Craft 65). We all love you, father Erin, he is a trustworthy and caring man that will show your child just how amazing a father figure can be. Showing your child how both genders are equal in the world concerning parenthood is a way for you to build your relationship with your own family.

I hope this can help you in your decision to raise a child as an independent woman. Without a partner, you can choose how you want to raise your child. There will be less stress, anxiety and frustration and more happiness. By building a better education for your child you can change the negative narrative and make a positive change. You can choose how you want your child to look at the world by the same views you had. By surrounding them with endless love and creativity you can have a child that doubles as a best friend. By creating a bond that improves your mental health while simultaneously improving your children.  In many situations, mothers find that their children were their “ primary motivation for moving forward” (Freeman 686). With parenthood being new to you. I can reassure you as a large sum of mothers recognize that “motherhood is the most important or central source of meaning in their lives” (Freeman 687). With this newfound sense of belonging both you and your child can strive to be amazing members of society.

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