Essay About the Use of Recombinant Dna Technology

📌Category: Science, Technology
📌Words: 213
📌Pages: 1
📌Published: 09 June 2022

The utilization of Genetic Engineering or Recombinant DNA Technology has a major impact on the advancement in agriculture, medicine, bioremediation and biotechnology, continuing it to progress over the years. During the 1970s, the production of genetically engineered organisms has started with the use of Recombinant DNA Technology. Throughout the years, genetic modification has continued to advance, gaining recognition for its benefits to the society, as well as the ecosystem. 

First, one of its use in agriculture improves crops yield and resistance in plant pests. 

Second, its use in medicine. Example is the Xenotransplantation, the use of modified animals in growing transplant tissues and human transplant organs. 

Third, its use in bioremediation, with the degradation of contaminants in the environment. 

Finally, its use in biotechnology where it can improve our food production. Invariably, however, there are risks and controversies that concern genetic engineering, such as consequences that alters the natural state of an organism, horizontal gene transfer of pesticide to other organisms causes ecological imbalance, and people’s interpretation and attitude towards genetically modified organisms. 

Despite these, scientists and researchers have established regulations in preventing environmental hazards and diminishing risks for this technology to continue. This proves how genetic engineering has marked its significance to the society with its contributions in agriculture, medicine, bioremediation, and biotechnology. Therefore, with the advancement of these industries, while protecting the ecosystem under specific regulations, Recombinant DNA Technology should be continued, considering its disadvantages nonetheless.


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