Essay Example on Benefits of Being in Cross Country

📌Category: Athletes, Sports
📌Words: 755
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 29 January 2022

A 5k is only 164004.02 feet, or 3.1 miles. That mileage, or more, tends to be what the girls and boys run on the Caledonia cross country teams everyday. Starting in August, both the boys and the girls cross country team began meeting in the morning at 8am to get a workout in. Starting off with time trials, easy runs, and intervals, the first month is more relaxed. After that the mileage may increase to an 8 mile run or two runs in one day in the blazing 90 degree weather. Although that may sound challenging for some, many people come out and do cross country with little to no experience in running. This is one of the many great benefits of running.

This is beneficial because running is a lifelong sport and anyone is able to do it because it takes no skill. On the cross country team the biggest competitor is you and improving on your own times. Many runners throughout the season strive to break their personal record. A personal record is the fastest time a runner has completed a 5k in. While many say that cross country is a team sport, many people do it for themselves and the experience. Amaya Lucas stated, “I decided to join the cross country team when I was a freshman. I joined because I was new to the school and I wanted to meet new people and maybe make some new friends. Cross country is nice because I did end up making friends and I also get to be more active than I would normally be.”

Another benefit people tend to enjoy about Caledonia's cross country program, is the friendly environment and family like teams. Benjamin DeGood said, “The boys team is a lot of fun. It is pretty competitive and we all just push each other and take the sport seriously. We also have plenty of time to mess around and it is also fun when we have team dinners and big meets.” Many athletes on the team would agree that the team dinners are something they look forward to. The boys team holds their team dinners at people's houses, while the girls team has them right after school in the cafeteria. Coach Howell's reasoning for holding them in the school cafeteria is so everyone can attend instead of trying to find a ride or being too busy. “It’s nice having them at people's houses because then we can play games,” Donavan Mattson stated.

The team aspect of the sport is added on to the list of benefits and ties in with the bonding part of the sport. Although runners want to improve their times to break their personal records, this also helps improve the team altogether. When one person gets a little faster it pushes the person in front of them to improve and so on. In cross country, it is scored by the top five runners in the race. It helps when you run all near one another, to push each other and pack together. The athletes are able to be so competitive with each other because of the bond that’s created through the season. Natlia Quigley explained how the girls cross country team is a fun environment, “I love being on the cross country team because our team gets along really well. During the summer we would play games and get food after our morning practices. I also really enjoy auxing on the bus when we are on the way home from cross country meets. We have all bonded so well together, and it helps us hold each other accountable.” Another thing the girls enjoy about their team is how they do secret sisters. In the beginning of the season each girl on the team receives another girl on the team as their secret sister. The secret sister does not know who has them until the last meet when they are allowed to reveal themselves. On the days of a meet all the girls receive a letter and gift from their secret sister. The letter usually encourages them for the meet or congratulates them for achievements in past meets. The gift is usually a snack that the girl enjoys. Sela Fitzel said secret sisters is her favorite, “I love secret sisters because it is fun to make stuff for your sister but also to get food from your own secret sister.”

Being on the cross country team is also beneficial for your physical health as well as your mental health. Running is a good way to help improve your cardiovascular health which is your heart and blood vessel health. Running can also help manage symptoms of depression. Cooper Sorsen states, “Running is something I enjoy and I’m always happy when I run, unless I am injured.” Based on all the benefits of Caledonia’s cross country team, you should consider joining.

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