Essay on Plutocracy and Elon Musk

📌Category: Economics
📌Words: 608
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 03 July 2022

2008 was an impactful moment in history, however, a good deal of people may not realise why. In 2008, Elon Musk came out with the Tesla car. The Tesla was a big deal at the time being a fully electric car with autopilot features. A self-driving all-electric car in 2008 was a high advancement for its time but also was very pricey. The first Tesla was sold at $109,000, which was not a reasonable price. Despite the extremely high prices of the Tesla, in August  2020 Tesla Model 3 was pronounced the world´s all-time best-selling plug-in electric passenger car, with about 645,000 units. Elon Musk´s wallet grew quickly with his worth being a whopping $247 billion. For most, this number is just a number, but for others, this raises red flags.

Why may this raise red flags? Plutocracy is government by the wealthy. Musk is the richest man in the world, he could afford literal islands if he wanted. He could control just about anything he wanted to control. Even the government? The idea of plutocracy is a common topic in movies and literature, but will this be seen more in the future? Elon is one of the countless examples in the world that show just how much power the rich have over the general population. The discrimination of the lower social classes has been rid of for quite some time, but the rich are always going to be considered superior.

Celebrities and the rich have many perks and entitlements, including breaking the law. An example of this entitlement was 50 Cent only serving 6 months of his 9- year sentence. 50 Cent is a well-known rapper who was arrested in 1994 for selling coke to an undercover cop. Due to his fame and money, he was able to only spend 6 months of the 9 years behind bars. Many think that this is not a big deal because it does not have a huge impact on anyone else, however, what else could celebrities get away with?

Another example of a celebrity acquiring special treatment by the law was Vince Neil. On December 8, 1984, Motley Crue member Vince Neil was under the influence when he got into an accident. Neil killed his passenger Nicholas Dingley and severely injured the two people who were in the other vehicle. Neil was arrested after a blood alcohol test with the alcohol in his body being twice the legal amount. He entered a legal battle and walked away with only 30 days behind bars. He was also ordered to pay the victims $2.6 million. This case should have been first-degree manslaughter with 10 years of jail time. If celebrities can get away with manslaughter and dealing drugs, how much control does the government truly have over the rich?

In conclusion, Tesla coming out may be a great advancement, but what will this cause for the majority? Elon Musk has much more control than people realise. With all his money and power this could turn into a plutocratic government. If the rich were to control humanity as we know it, it could mean the end of so sought freedom. The invention of the Tesla leading to Plutocracy also could mean more teachings in literature in the future.

What could this mean for the future of literature? More common themes of communism and the benefits of spreading the currency to all. After everyone realises that plutocracy is not the proper way to lead, there will be teachings of different government types. The rich and famous will rule the government and people and countries will crumble. Education of the young is one of the most important things in raising the future properly. The literature will be changed in a way that the next generation will be educated on a way of spreading land, and currency. Countries will lead in forms of government by the people, not the rich or specific groups or families.

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