Essay Sample: Everyday Life in "Our Town" by Thornton Wilder

📌Category: Plays
📌Words: 394
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 03 April 2022

Our Town, a play written by Thornton Wilder takes place near the turn of the century in a small town like any other, Grover's Corners, New Hampshire. The play Our Town was first published in 1938. In this play, Thornton Wilder tries to convey the importance of the unnoticed pieces of life and how we should appreciate the quality details of it. This event is what gives this play its irony, this event gives the audience an inside view of their everyday lives which gives them a better understanding of the main cast. Everyone should appreciate the everyday happenings of life, which in return, makes every day worth living.

One example of this could be when Mrs. Webb is concerned mainly about the health of Emily and Wally.  She insists that they eat well and dress warmly. This gives the play a sense of irony considering Mrs. Webb had raised her kids to be strong and healthy but in the play, they both end up dying from natural causes. Wally Webb died from his rupturing appendix and Emily Webb died from the childbirth of her second child.

Another example of irony in Our Town is when Emily and George are at a high point in their lives – married, blessed with a second child, and they’ve modernized their farm. This is ironic in the sense that for George and Emily life's going fantastic but in reality, the only reason why they could afford all the commodities that they had was that Mrs. Webb died before she could use it to getaway. That is why she willed it to Emily and George when she passed. Another reason is Emily dies and can see George still living and healthy, blinded by life. Emily finally realizes what she had taken for granted and should have appreciated more.

In addition,  Mrs. Gibbs leaves a $350 legacy to Emily and George. This is ironic due to Mrs. Gibbs initially wanted to use the money so she and her husband could go visit Paris. She wanted to get away from the town for a while, she died before she went to visit Paris. The money that Mrs. Gibbs gave to George and Emily had been spent in the exact opposite manner to what she was going to do with it. Instead of getting away, they used it to settle down in Grover's Corners.

To conclude this essay people should not let the immense moments in life be the only things that bring them joy but rather the everyday happenings around us.

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