Essay Sample on Global Issues Facing The World

📌Category: Social Issues
📌Words: 553
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 25 September 2022

It’s 2050, the teens of 2022 have just inherited the world but it’s in flames, unlivable, we don’t have enough resources to get into space, poverty has reached its peak. Earth, earth’s life, and the human race are doomed.

Now more than ever, we need to be more engaged with the things happening around them today. Issues such as racism,climate change, gender and sexuality equality, animal welfare, displaced people, war, identity security, and so much more are getting worse. We, the present day teens, must engage in these issues because they aren’t going away, we will inherit the mess adults leave behind, and we need to fix these issues now because we cannot afford to wait.

First of all, these issues are not going away. Adults in power are too lazy to do anything about these issues because it could cause them to not get as much money, or in some cases popularity. Politicians are too worried about themselves and the number of votes they get to focus on the real issues that won’t necessarily affect them but will affect younger and future generations. This selfishness and ignorance is causing important and valuable money to go towards the things that are affected- for example the Great Barrier Reef, but not solving the actual problem. They also forget that investing $1.8 trillion for these issues could generate $7.1 trillion in the future. The Selfishness and ignorance of people in power is causing these issues to not go away.

Furthermore, we will inherit this mess. When we, the present day teens, take the world into our hands the world will have fallen apart and the dreams we have now will be crushed. We won’t be able to live our lives and we won’t be able to make our own choices. The mental health of our generation and future generations will become even worse. Therefore future generations won’t be able to live without war and poverty at every corner and will not have a chance to see the beauty of the world at its highest point of joy and prosperity. When we inherit this mess of a world there will be nothing left unless we engage in these issues now.

Ultimately, we need to fix these issues now because we can’t afford to wait any longer. By 2030 the impacts and path of climate change will be irreversible and the Earth will go on a downward spiral to lifeless oblivion.  Additionally, 359 million people will be living in extreme poverty in today’s fragile states (63% of the world's poor) by 2030. The UN’s 2030 agenda is: people, prosperity, planet, partnership and peace - also known as the 5 ps, but the UN’s recent $100 billion promise to stop climate change was broken. The world will be nothing but ashes and rubble by the time we take it into our hands because of the lack of initiative and the slothfulness of those in power and influential people. We must fix these issues now or it will be too late.

To get involved you can educate yourself and others, voice your opinions and concerns to today’s decision-makers and people of influence- for example open letters. You can also help develop trusted sources of information and make a change now to influence those around you.

In conclusion, we must engage in critical issues because they aren’t going away, we will inherit this mess, and we need to fix these issues now because we can’t afford to wait. So get out there, educate yourself, make yourself heard, make a change yourself and save the world!

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