Examples of Risk in The Giver Essay Sample

📌Category: Books, The Giver
📌Words: 442
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 22 September 2022

Jonas was a brave young boy who took a lot of risks. You will have to keep reading to find out some of the risks he took. The Book I read was The Giver By: Lois Lowry. The Giver by: Lois Lowry is about a boy named Jonas who became the receiver of memory which was a big deal. The receiver of memory is someone who gets all of the past memories transferred into their mind. Jonas saw that there were things wrong with the community. Jonas took a lot of risks to help change the community. A few things Jonas thought about his community and things he did were. He thinks release is wrong. He also thinks he should be able to feel his feelings. He wanted someone to share the memories with.

First Jonas shared some of his memories with Gabe because he wanted someone to share the memories with. Jonas also shared some of his memories with Gabe so Jonas would feel less alone because he wasn't allowed to talk about his training with anyone. Jonas shared happy memories with Gabe. “Each night he gave memories to Gabriel: memories of boat rides and picnics in the sun; memories of soft rainfall against window pains; memories of dancing barefoot on a damp lawn” (Lowry, Page 128)

Also Jonas stops taking his medication because he thinks he should be able to feel his feelings. When Jons stops taking his medication he starts to feel emotions like love. Jonas stops taking his pill because he doesn’t like the way the community prevents them from feeling important emotions such as love. “He had not taken the pills, now, for four weeks. The stirrings had returned, and he felt a little guilty and embarrassed about the pleasurable dreams that came to him as he slept. But he knew he couldn’t go back to the world of no feelings that he had lived in for so long” (Lowry, Page 130-131)

Lastly Jonas leaves the community because he thinks release is wrong. When Jonas leaves he takes Gabe with him to prevent Gabe from being released. “That night Jonas was forced to flee” (Lowry, Page 163) “but it was necessary because it had the child seat attached to the back. And he had taken Gabriel too.” (Lowry, Page 166)

In conclusion Jonas leaves because he thinks release is wrong. Jonas also stops taking his pill because he thinks he should be able to feel his feelings. Jonas shares some of his memories with Gabe because Jonas wanted someone to share the memories with. Jonas saw many things in the community that needed to be changed so he took the steps to help the community learn what they have been missing. Jonas was brave and selfless to take those risks to not only help him but to also help his community.

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