Free Motivation Letter Example: The Urban Journalism Program

📌Category: Journalism
📌Words: 837
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 23 September 2022

As I was growing up my parents always bought me art supplies such as pencils, pens, and notebooks, you know, regular kid’s stuff. With these supplies every day when I got home and would lay down in my room and draw, I would even give my characters names. Since I was already giving them names, why not give them a story? So after school instead of drawing, I would run down to the computer in the basement and type up a story of my characters. Doing this helped me find my love for writing and shaped me into the writer I am today Which is someone who puts their authentic emotions and opinions into my work, which consists of my views on society or the latest fashion trends. Creating stories at such a young age gave me an advantage when it came to writing essays in class. Writing stories through art has given me the courage to always stay open to new ideas. With this being said art led me to find my love of writing and pursuing a career in journalism would allow me to use what I love to impact people’s lives in positive ways.

In  Journalism, I see an impactful and invigorating vocation, yet what I love most is its variety of genres. Journalism is something that everyone absorbs in different ways. People use it as a way to guide them through life, while others use it as a way to wind down and relax. Some people read The New York Times and others read VOGUE. Whether it’s fashion or worldwide news, there will always be a breakout story such as “What Kim Kardashian Wore to Paris Fashion Week” or Trump supporters rushing the capital. Unfortunately, the importance of fashion journalism is unfairly overlooked.  However, in the age of social media, fashion is one of the most popular creative outlets that help people of any age express themself where and whenever. Additionally, if  Bella Hadid is wearing cargo pants in a recent article there is a huge chance that thousands of people bought cargo pants that same week. With this economic impact of fashion, people will go by any means necessary to gain status, stories such as  The Anna Delvey/Sorokin story are a great example of that, Anna is a German-Russian con artist who came to New York and used her sense of expensive style as a form of manipulation against manhattans elite. Anna’s style is was a huge stepping stone into the manhattans elite inner circle. To play this part, first, she had to make sure she looked the part. Which she did well, from her pieces worth thousands of dollars to the essence when she entered a room. Annas' clothes are what brought her fake identity to life. Ths story is a prime example of the impact fashion has on not only yourself but the way people interact with you in society 

The main reason why I am interested in pursuing a career in journalism is to impact people through different mediums of art. When I create a story or review I want to empower those who are overlooked, in order for the rest of my audience to gain knowledge. To do this I will use fashion history as a way to broaden the audience fashion is leaned toward. Take the Maison Margiela tabi shoes as an example. The tabi shoe is a shoe that is shaped like a hoove. This style of shoe originates from 15th century Japan and began as socks that were used to show a symbol of wealth for the upper class. When Margiela created this shoe it was used as a symbol of status which is why the price point stands at 600+. This shoe created a pathway for Japanese culture to be reinvented into the luxury fashion world. Showcasing the history of fashion instead of focusing on materialism broadens the audience of people with an interest in fashion. This is why I would most likely be a writer for a menswear media outlet such as GQ or Grailed. Combining my two interests would help me succeed in this industry. Right now I enjoy conversing about fashion with friends and family.

Being a part of The Urban Journalism Program will not only advance my knowledge in journalism but further me in my future career. The programs offered are aligned with one of my considered career paths which is the reason why I applied to this program. I'm hoping after I finish The Urban Journalism Program to have made great friends and connections that can help guide me along my NYU application process when the time comes. If I am accepted into this program it will be my first time away from my parents and living in a college setting. I think this will be a great experience and will give me the upper hand when it comes to adapting to a college environment. In all the reason why I would like to be a part of this program is to grow my interest in journalism and expand my connections within the world of journalism. In addition, if I am accepted into this program, I will not be the only one benefiting. You guys would be accepting a student who’s willing to take on a challenge and willing to not only learn but improve from their mistakes.  

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