Intergroup Contact Theory Research Paper Example

📌Category: Interpersonal relationship, Sociology
📌Words: 445
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 03 June 2022


The intergroup contact theory was important because 1988 was a time full of prejudice and discrimination that had lasted about 72 years. Intergroup contact occurs when members of a social group come together with other members from another social group. Allports hypothesis was held that fantastic effects of intergroup touch occur simplest in conditions marked by way of 4 key situations: same institution reputation in the scenario; common goals; intergroup cooperation; and the aid of government, law, or custom. Allport special four situations for most desirable intergroup touch: same organization repute inside the situation, not unusual goals, intergroup cooperation, and authority aid.


Deutsch and Collins (1951) noticed sharp differences occurred. Desegregated white housewives held their black neighbors in higher esteem and desired interracial housing greater which was 75% to 25%, when requested to name black faults, they listed such non public issues as emotions of inferiority. Segregated white ladies voiced stereotypes along with ‘’rowdy’’ and ‘’dangerous’’. 

The problems that occurred with London’s transportation were that poorly organized entry of black people into London’s public transportation, as an instance, cause hostility with the aid of white people (Brooks 1975). 

Robber’s cave had problem solving hassles that made the two groups must come together for instance the tug-of-battle rope, and the accident of the caught in a rut truck. The joint pursuit of everyone coming together made a lessening of the battle. 


Learning about the contact group should lessen prejudice, it should aide for the sort of benign matter is available, people have had notably much less scared of black people, less punitive, and less possibly to view the rebellion as caused by out of doors agitators. Wright proposed a shape of generalization involving friendship, the usage of questionnaire, that even more information of an ingroups members friendships with an outgroup member relates to more wonderful attitudes in the direction of the outgroup. 

Reich and Purbhoo observed that school contact group role taking capacity among both minority and majority with college students. They empathized a girl with AIDS, a homeless woman, and a murderer. The three main factors that are effective were goals, authority support and intergroup cooperation. 

Social norms are essential in the desegregated initiatives, whites anticipated approval from their pals for his or her friendly interracial behavior. inside the segregated initiatives, they feared social ostracism from different whites for such behavior. 


The main points of the contact intergroup hypothesis was that he held positive effects on the members of the experiment that he was testing, all of the individual ended up coming together to help each other in each experiment through common goals, authority support. For me the most important factors in resolving prejudice would be the same as Allport’s. He turned a whole group of prejudice people who discriminated others to learn to work together through common goals, we need people like him in our world today with all the worlds discrimination and tragedies happening in the world today.

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