Organizational Behavior Essay Example

📌Category: Behavior, Business, Management, Psychology
📌Words: 932
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 11 February 2022

The first step to having a good career is to not just be conscious of one’s behavior but others in the same working environment as you. The module organizational Behavior is known to many as the study of an individual’s behavior within organizations. It is through this study that managers now understand and predict human behavior in order to make their organization operate more effective. In addition, of the five topics covered so far the ones that I deem to be of great significance as it relates to my intended career choice are Understanding Organizational behavior, Emotions and Moods and Attitudes and Job Satisfaction. As we delve into this reflection I will be outlining how these topics will impact my intended career whether negative or positive after leaving university.

Our first initial unit was Understanding Organizational Behavior where we discussed the Importance of Interpersonal Skills, roles and functions of managers, independent and dependent variables, etc. Focusing on two of the dependent variables covered in unit one, productivity and absenteeism. According to (Robins and Judges, 2016) a Dependent Variable is a response that is affected by an independent variable or factor. Absenteeism is defined as when employees fail to show up to work due to avoidable circumstances. This will result in an employee losing track of everything updates, projects, training, etc. They no longer keep up to date with the relevant information shared in the time that they were absent. This can have both a negative and positive impact on my intended career. Positive in a sense where I acquire more knowledge skills and expertise or even a mere job promotion. Negative meaning as an employee whose always present I will have to take on projects and deadlines for those absent which can be somewhat tiresome, pushing towards a decline in my level of productivity. According to (Robins and Judges, 2016) Productivity is defined as transforming inputs to outputs at lowest cost. As an accountant I have to work day in day out so fulfill the organization and client requirements, so I have to be present at all times. In addition, an employee’s level of productivity can either make or break an organization in terms of where success is concerned. However, as a future employee I will put my best effort forward in ensuring that I meet deadlines, keep every account up to date as to alleviate having a pile up of workload, show up to work except when there’s unavoidable absence and stay on track with the organization's goal. As accountants, we keep a good work-life balance the more productive I am the more work I get done, having the capability to do more.

Secondly, Emotions and Moods. They affect our physical well-being, perception and judgment. Emotions are known to be intense feelings that are directed at someone or something, whereas Moods are feelings that tend to be less intense than emotions and in some instances lack a contextual stimulus (Robins and Judges, 2016). For me, emotions play a key role in my decision-making process, and so I cannot dismiss them. However, in studying this topic I have learned that through emotional dissonance it can be controlled. As we can display different feelings from what we actually feel, simultaneously. Emotions show how employees think and feel about their jobs based on how they operate on a daily basis. However, positive emotions can be very beneficial because it relieves stress that comes from negative emotions. As opposed to Emotions, Moods last somewhat longer, with no clear point as to what caused an individual to be moody. Positive moods bring forth positive expectations. For many years I have come across to others as being moody and emotional, some days I am moody for a reason, and then they are days when I just have that feeling for no reason at all. This personality combined with both emotions and moods is viewed up on as disruptive and is a threat to productivity. As for my career, this will have a negative impact if I go to work one day and others feel turned off by my behavior, I will come across as not being a professional. Happy people are deemed to be more approachable and easier to work with. So going forward, I will try my very best not to project what I’m feeling on the inside on the outside.

Lastly, Attitudes and Job Satisfaction. Attitudes are evaluative statements or judgments whether favorable or unfavorable concerning objects, people, or events. Whereas, Job Satisfaction is a collection of positive feelings that an individual holds toward his or her job as a result of evaluating its characteristics (Robin and Judges, 2013) .It is through job satisfaction that I will find out if I’m comfortable with my intended career choice. Job satisfaction and Attitude goes hand in hand based on what I’ve previously learned, because our attitudes and belief determines our behavior. If job satisfaction is not aligned with that of the organizations' commitment, they will more than likely have a negative work attitude.  They will not put forward their best effort. For instance if after working at  a certain accounting firm for years and still studying just the same  having acquired a bachelor’s  degree  I am only given  just basic bookkeeping. As an employee this will have a negative impact on my intended career choice because I now feel stagnant as if I’ve worked for nothing, which will result in me having a negative attitude towards my job. It is my long-term goal to be on the lookout for an accounting firm or organization that is passionate that is passionate about my area of specialization, a place where I can grow and enjoy working.  To use Attitude and Job satisfaction to create a positive environment so others can follow.

In conclusion, throughout this module my knowledge & understanding as it relates to these three topics Understanding Organizational behavior, Emotions and Moods and Attitudes and Job Satisfaction has in fact shed some light on another aspect of where my intended career is concerned.

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