Racism Is A Social Issue Essay Example

📌Category: Racism, Social Issues
📌Words: 596
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 23 June 2021

The world is a very judgemental and bitter place to live in. Whenever a human walks past a black citizen, there is always a thought that they could be a potential threat or endangerment. Countless people like to segregate black people based on the fact that they appall weapons and violence. Especially with the police today, they have demonstrated aggression towards several black adults and children who have done nothing wrong. George Floyd, for instance, had a minor charge against him, but the situation managed to get carried away. The police officer saw his skin color as exposure, forced him down, and strangled him to death. It is happening all over the world, not only with police, but other children. Parents are influencing their children to silence black people and look down on them. Fortunately, unlike in the past, more and more citizens have reconsidered their views on racism, and hopefully others will change as well. The more people that are trying to help recover and rebuild what Americans violated throughout history, could lead democracy to a brighter future. Be that as it may, some families may not have a pursuable mind, and will continue their beliefs amongst the black nation, making the unfairness questionable. Racism is a persistent and critical issue that no matter how much it has revolutionized, it will continue to affect thousands of people of different colors across society, education, and occupation.

People underestimate the extent of discrimination and the outcomes that follow because, in reality, citizens with different colored skin have been abominated through the past and today’s society. In the mid-1900s, there was a dream for peace between different colored people that everyone wished would happen,  so the world would be more superior. With all of the hatred they have faced, laws were finally loosened and made more flexible (“Discrimination in the…”). The government wanted to attempt to create unity between color and society, not knowing what it would hold for them in the future. Before laws were liberated, black lives were dreadful and filled with fear. These decisions were made in the 1900s, but did not mean it would also make the same impact in other times, such as the 2000s. This is in view of the fact that judgment and viewpoints on racism are bound to vary. Their freedom and rights also may not modify if nations decide not to abide by the law and make unjust actions against others on the basis of skin color. Hence, today, no matter the laws that were lifted, the crucial thoughts and efforts are still acted upon black citizens. Both contributors of the Just Fact’s website state, “The cause of liberty, like most other good causes, will have its difficulties, and sometimes its persecutions, to struggle with. It has advanced more rapidly in this than other countries, but all its objects are not yet attained; and I much doubt whether they ever will be, in this or any other terrestrial state” (Agresti & McCutcheon 3). To summarize, years ago, decisions made by the authorities were not valid enough to settle envious perceptions amongst black folks seeing that civilians today still can not seem to form a sense of equality in the world.

Ultimately, no matter where you are or what you do in life, there will always be someone carrying the belief of racism. Numerous blacks get terrorized everyday because they have never been able to meet urban standards. Throughout history, there was an increased amount of violence against them instigated by the government and white civilians. This has been affecting the way society acts upon them, the way children are able learn, and adult employment. Granted that the nation had a taunting image upon blacks previously, does not mean it could never enhance. Still, even with additional acceptance for colored people, the viewpoint on racism will never be perfect.

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