Religious Views on Abortion Essay Example

📌Category: Abortion, Religion, Social Issues
📌Words: 568
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 10 October 2022

You might think murder is illegal, but there is a certain group dedicated to “killing babies”. Some people believe the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy is the elimination of a fetus, which is considered a baby from some people's perspective. After the embryonic period has ended at the end of the 10th week of the pregnancy, the embryo is now considered a fetus, also counting the beginning of the growth of the baby. 

The abortion community is usually divided into 2 factions, Pro-Life and Pro-Choice, and obviously, some people decided not to participate in thy argument. I situate myself as a Pro-Choice person, and my opinion is that you can abort before the fetus develops a conscious and pain receptors, around the 24th to 28th week. The usual period for a biological female to get an abortion is before the 28th week, if any later, these events could cause fetal anomalies or maternal life endangerment. Abortion can be done one of two ways, either a surgical procedure or by taking a special medication that ends the pregnancy, also called a medical abortion. Medical abortion is usually done in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Abortions are done by removing the embryo or fetus from the uterus. There are reasons I agree some people should not get an abortion, but that is only if the abortion will cause complications in the future. For example, side effects of an abortion will include cramping, pelvic pain, uterine damage, injury to the bowel, bladder, or cervix, heavy bleeding, and more serious complication. In most cases, an abortion does not affect fertility or future pregnancies, but there are always possible issues in the future. I am an open-minded person and agree with some of the statements of some people that believe abortion is bad and should be illegal. I disagree with most arguments, but I also believe that most statements come from a religious point of view.

My opinion is that a clump of cells is not a homo sapiens nor any species in our knowledge, so the discontinuity of cells is not the murder of a baby, otherwise, an amputation to the limb would be murder. I also believe that you should trust everything that religion believes over a logical act. Pragmatically, before a fetus forms, it is defined as an embryo. An embryo is a developing organism from an egg or the zygote, which is the main stage where the organs are formed. “Is a bunch of cells just that: a bunch of cells, as scientists would have it, or is it, as the Catholic Church insists, a human being with a soul?”, by a scientific definition embryos are just clumps of cells? Understandably, if you are looking from a religious point of view, your opinion can vary. A few religious groups have no ambivalence about abortion. An example may include the roman catholic Church, which opposes abortion in every possible circumstance. The second-largest church, the southern baptist convention, also opposes abortion but they at least allow exception whether the mother's life is in danger.”The Bible does not distinguish fetuses and babies: the Greek word prophesy is used in the Bible to refer to both an unborn child and an infant. By the time a baby is conceived, he or she is recognized by God''. I technically disagree with what was said because in the past many people didn't know the science of pregnancy and the Greek language, so many others would have only one word to identify only an infant after birth. Straightforwardly, the Greek language was created in 1450 - 1350 BC and nobody understood where babies come from until 1875 AD.  

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