Research Paper Example on Stress

📌Category: Health, Mental health
📌Words: 489
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 11 June 2022

Stress is an overwhelming and anxious emotion that every person goes through in their daily life regardless of their gender, race, or age. Some people may experience stress on a more chronic level than others. School, work, health, and financial problems may be some of the most popular issues people tend to be stressed the most about. For example, due dates on school assignments, a work schedule, sicknesses, and bills are things that people work around to fit into their daily routine. While also maintaining to feel accomplished and stable and not unproductive, unorganized, and overwhelmed.

According to the article named “How to help children and teens manage their stress”  A 2013 survey by the American Psychological Association resulted that  “stress was extremely common among teenagers: 83% of the teens surveyed said the school was a significant or somewhat significant source of stress”.  This survey states the idea that education promotes some stress onto students. However, the article also mentions that this survey doesn’t partially focus on academics but also on the aspect of social life at school. They’re students who stress more on test scores, study habits, and assignments. While others stress about making friends, getting along with teachers, or getting bullied. Signs that show a person suffers from stress can be seen by changes in their eating, in their behavior, or in their well-being. Such as a person eating too little or too much, a person suddenly being short-tempered and wanting to argue over anything. Getting sick frequently, not being able to sleep, or having frequent stomachaches or headaches. These effects from stress harm a person’s physical and mental status and only keep elevating a person’s stress.  The article named “Healthy was to handle life’s stressors” recommended exercising, having a meal plan, consuming vitamins on a daily, meditating, getting good sleep, seeking social help, or writing things on a planner are some of the so many possible ways to cope with stress and improve a person’s way of living their life. These things are helping a person adapt to their responsibilities while doing them in a more creative way. Exercising helps people take a break and let go of the exhaustion. Writing things done may help people stick more to a schedule and have more will in doing things.

I personally resonate with this topic, as I also have trouble coping with my stress and finding ways to better improve my productivity. I believe that procrastinating is the main component of my stress. As in the life of a student, leaving assignments closer to the due date provides a rush in getting them done on time, which makes a student do assignments in such a hurry when the student had tons of time to get them done. Balancing out a person’s priorities and having a planner to plan day by day helps people get on track and get the designated things done that day. Dealing with larger assignments can break down by doing bits and pieces day by day until the due date arrives. I plan to put into practice some of the tips listed in the articles I read to improve my levels of stress.

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