Self Driving Cars Essay Sample

📌Category: Science, Technology
📌Words: 463
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 23 March 2022

Self driving cars are exponentially gaining greater popularity in our current age. This is due to the appearance of car manufactures like Tesla, and many others starting to pioneer the car industry. They all claim that self-driving cars will lead to a revolutionary new future, with Tesla being one of the first major manufacturers to pave the way for self-driving cars.

Self driving cars will undoubtedly pioneer, and drastically enhance the car industry. Self driving cars will lead to fewer accidents, along with driving as a whole being significantly less dangerous. In addition a new age of transit will commence, permanently altering how people arrive at various destinations. A new age is approaching, where people will be able to access cars to arrive at various destinations in a timely fashion. This will be possible due to self-driving cars replacing ubers and taxis, leading to a significant increase in accessibility to the public.

This new age however will arrive immediately. There is a high probability that many setbacks will arise, and obstacles industries will have to overcome. Fluctuations from moral issues of how an accident will be handled, to the massive programming hurdle accounting for all the split second decisions we have to make while driving. If any accidents occur, will the AI, company, or driver be held responsible? I believe various dilemmas are yet to arrive, but self-driving cars will persevere, and completely revamp the car industry for the greater good, once it overcomes said hurdles that inevitably appear.

Self driving cars would positively impact the world as we know it in a positive light, to an utilitarian point of view. Utilitarians would agree with the points I made previously, due to self driving cars as a whole helping society. Increased accessibility, along with fewer accidents would undoubtedly be a major advantage to society as a whole. In Buffalo our transport system compared to cities like New York City is notably under developed, leading to cars being immensely more important. Cars are very expensive and not everyone can afford them, but with the introduction of self-driving cars this can change. Completely autonomous cars could become reality as a result leading to much more timely arrival at your destination, along with drastically improving the daily life of everyone. Even if one day a self-driving car were to malfunction and kill someone, instantaneously it would be appended, and therefore still help society as a whole.

We would be selling our souls as a product of self-driving cars. Deontologists would never agree self-driving cars would benefit society. Malfunctions will happen, one slight error or oversight in the AI’s code will result in someone's death. Murder is never justifiable, regardles of the outcome or intentions. We must never accept the risk of death, regardless of the circumstances. We have a moral obligation to never accept the loss of human life regardless of the reason, in addition we must never willingly harm anyone. Self driving cars are riddled with moral complications that can not be ignored regardless of the outcome.

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