The Impact of the Invention of the Sewing Machine Essay Example

📌Category: History, Science, Technology
📌Words: 774
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 12 June 2021

The sewing machine was one of the greatest inventions of the industrial revolution. Even though the industrial revolution was not made up of a single item but instead composed of many together, the sewing machine pushed the boundaries and fought its way to the greatest. This invention revolutionised the fashion industry and became a common object on the public’s homes. Through many failed attempts, the sewing machine began in development from 1755 where Charles Weisenthal, a German man, brought up the idea of a “needle that is designed for a machine.” The first fully successful design of the model was invented in 1830 where it was called Barthelemy Thimonnier's Sewing Machine. Everyone believed that there was such need for an invention that was so efficient to their daily routine. By improving the economy and social aspects of the community, Thimonnier's Sewing Machine has affected the society leading to a better lifestyle. This sewing machine increased the family’s income as women now had the time to also work. It resulted in major changes to the other industries as they connected in the growth. Lastly,  it was time efficient to not only women but factories as well in energy and in mass production. Therefore, the impacts of Thimonnier's Sewing Machine developed Britain into an extraordinary place as one invention impacted the whole of the country making it the industrious place it is today. 

Women in the 17 centuries were not intended to work in wealth earning places such as factories and mills but were to cook, clean, and provide care for her children as well as her husband however this changed as the new development formed. They had previously been busy at home but as Thimonnier's Sewing Machine came along, women had the opportunity for employment in factories which supported the family  creating an extra income. This expanded personal abilities as it made life more affordable. For some seamstresses, home sewing machines were taken as an advantage for young ladies to earn money from the clothes they made and sold. On the long run, it also increased the economy as more jobs were created and many more people began to work which resulted the clothing industry to also grow. 

Thimonnier's Sewing Machine also resulted in definite changes to surrounding industries too. As more people began to show interest for clothing and style, cotton had to be produced more than the usual amounts to satisfy the extra demand on clothing factories. This led to the fact that clothing got planted to places far from original to increase supply. Many industries began to get involved with this mass productions such as metal companies as they gave materials to build these machines and shippers to transport the machines around Europe. Because of their benefits, this sewing machine was later used for other day to day objects and not just for clothes. This included furniture, curtains, towels, toys, books and more. With the uprising money,  clothing factories were able to repay back all that other companies that had helped with it. 

Affecting big businesses and individual companies most, Thimonnier's Sewing Machine impacts through modern time too. This was economically advanced when it made large companies create mass production in clothing. It made sewing accelerate in speed and extremely easy to produce more than before. It cut down the time worked by double the speed and mae it easy to work for the generations passed after that. All what people had only dreamt of was coming to reality as clothes, colours, materials, toys and more had become possible to make. Life before it was created was plain as not much could be made. Poorer people expected only 2 pairs of clothing to wear however, as this invention came along, there was enough and more than necessary production of clothing.  Even today it saved people’s time when in rush This also helped to create the textiles industry as one of the most alternated group in the industrious revolution. 

Therefore, there were many social and economic impacts of Thimonnier's Sewing Machine on society in its' time and through to modern day. On a daily basis, it helped many to create fine clothing but on a wider scale, it increased the quality and defined the structure to standard clothing throughout the years. Due to the increase in the affective sewing machine, women had the opportunity to earn for their family and not just rely on the husband to take care of the financial aspect of life. It caused an increasingly large change in other industries and factories as they helped the textiles industry to grow when cotton became a popular piece of creation. This sewing machine also decreased the time and energy to produce a substantial amount of clothes for the publics needs. Thimonnier's Sewing Machine was the invention to brighten the societies minds and develop a new understanding into it . It was the invention to create the biggest social and economical impact to their present days and to this day it has changed the way we live. 

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