The Importance of a High School Diploma Essay Example

📌Category: Education, Higher Education
📌Words: 541
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 16 February 2022

The importance of a high school diploma in the modern world should be very minimal due to how flawed western education and their job market is. One main issue is the extreme toxicity in work culture as well as many other aspects of western culture. Job markets are highly competitive and people will do anything to undermine you to get ahead in life. Workers in the modern day are also underpaid as inflation increases and prices rise tremendously while wages are stagnant. The modern purchasing power is very low due to the large increase in prices over the past few decades. Many modern workers are waking up to this realization after the inflation caused by massive amounts of money printing during the peak of the coronavirus pandemic leading to job shortages. All of this new money flooding into the economy is causing extreme price increases making jobs less and less worthwhile. Many people are trying to adapt to this changing economy by investing money in crypto and stocks which have seen very large returns leading more people to quit work to pursue economic endeavors. Another reason I don't believe a don't believe that a high school degree is important is that it is not an indicator of how smart you are because not everybody is built for school. High schools only teach one way and not everybody learns the same way which should be obvious but the way schools are designed is to only accommodate one kind of person. The current school system and grades have been around for a very long time and the majority of the teaching methods are outdated and are not helpful for modern children who are growing up in an extremely different changing world. School isn't designed for you to be successful in the first place but is designed to make you compliant with the current system. The current education refuses to adapt and still uses the same teaching methods that were used back during the industrial revolution. The archaic system of letter grades, standardized tests and homework have been proven to be a very poor way of teaching and encourage cheating. You are taught to memorize things instead of actually learning anything because you just forget everything you learned after the test anyways. A high school diploma can also easily be replaced with a GED and most community colleges will also accept you without needing a diploma. Workers in the modern day are also underpaid as inflation increases and prices rise tremendously while wages are stagnant. The modern purchasing power is very low compared to the large increase in prices over the past few decades. Many modern workers are waking up to this realization after rapidly increasing inflation caused by massive amounts of money printing during the peak of the coronavirus pandemic. All of this new money is flooding into the economy causing extreme price increases making jobs less and less worthwhile lowering the need for a traditional education instead favoring smart financial moves. The richest people in the world had tremendous financial growth during this period and the lower and middle class have been completely stagnant because you aren't taught in a traditional education how to be rich. You are only taught how to work for the establishment and not think outside the box. Overall I believe through these many examples the value of traditional education in the modern world is rapidly decreasing, adaptation and alternative education are the only way if you want to thrive in this modern economy.

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