The Importance of Blogs as a Communication Tool in Businesses Essay Example

📌Category: Business, Marketing
📌Words: 278
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 21 August 2022

Research has proven the importance of blogs as a communication tool in businesses. Blogs are well-known for their two-way symmetrical communications with readers (Donald K. Wright & Michelle D. Hinson, 2008). The two-way nature of a blog allows businesses to engage in conversations with customers, strengthen customer relationships, gather feedback and encourage sharing of thoughts (Deborah A. Colton, Sharon P. Poploski, 2018). To begin with, effective interactions between businesses and customers lead to higher customer engagement and satisfaction. To further enhance customer engagement, companies can implement helpful tools and tactics (e.g., push notifications, CTA, SEO and Analytics) into their blogs. According to Dana DiTomaso (2021), bloggers who use analytics consistently are more successful, with 36% always finding analytics effective. 


Businesses can engage with their customers in the comment section, where customers share their opinions, provide feedback and clarify their doubts. This way, companies can serve the customers’ needs, leading to higher customer satisfaction. 

By incorporating tools into blogs, it is possible to increase the effectiveness of the business, communications and administration processes in a company (Joanna Palonka & Teresa Porebska-Miac,2016). First of all, the push notifications button allows customers to stay up-to-date on the most recent posts and events. Secondly, the call-to-action tool that appears at the end of a page allows for a subscription to the blog page. These tools ensure customers get notified whenever there is a new update. Businesses can also gain valuable insights into their daily performance and analyse the latest trends and keywords by implementing analytics into their blogs. Businesses can also include links in their blog posts, so that customers can navigate through the website easily. In fact, search engine visibility is driven by keywords and links. A higher ranking in search engines implies a greater chance of success, as it drives more traffic to the blog and increases exposure.

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