The Importance of Student Decision Making Essay Example

📌Category: Education, Higher Education
📌Words: 309
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 27 August 2022

It has been a hotly-debated issue in many universities that should students make decisions linked to their campus life or the experts hired by the authority. For some people, experts should take this task and make wise decisions which are beneficial for college students, due to their proficiency and reputation. However, from my point of view, students who live and study in universities are supposed to be the decision-makers. There exists two main reasons as follows to support my idea.

To begin with, students know more about their schools than those experts. To be more specific, for most students in campus, they have lived in their universitis for several years. The campus years they spent enable them to know what really benefits everyone in school. For example, when it comes to the question that whether or not the college library should be open each day, students will answer "yes" to the authority. Because they know students need a quiet environment to do research project, finish assignments and prepare for final exams. In contrast, if the experts are responsible for decision-making, they will say "no" due to the extra cost. So there is no doubt that the decision from students may be more useful due to their daily experience.

Secondly, if students participate in the process of making a major decision, they will be more active in daily life, thus the univerity will develop better. Nowadays, a lot of students in universities perform selfish, and do not care what happened or will happen to their colleges. In the bottom of their heart, the places where they live and study everyday are not their home because they are not allowed to decide anything. Even for the time point when the electricity of dormitory should be cut off, a tiny issue, they can not voice. On condition that students control the right to determine their campus life, they will care more about their schools.

To sum up, personally speaking, students should make decisions which may affect their daily life.

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