"When Kids Stand Up For a Cause, Adults Take Notice" Article Analysis Essay

📌Category: Articles
📌Words: 414
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 17 October 2022

Newsela adopted a article name “When Kids Stand Up For a Cause, Adults Take Notice, in this article the author explains How the kids  needs to stand up for their society and The children voice need to be heard in the for the world because the kids are the future.THe kids will stand for their own cause. Kids are not considered adults until they are 18 . the older generation are not listening to the younger generation. The adults are ignoring the younger generation.The kids need to stand up for their own cause the kids should be considered as a member in the society. The older generation should listen to the younger generation.

In paragraph five line two it states “children often call adults to do better. they inspire us by their example to speak up or join cause” It means that kids will stand up for there own cause  they are part of the society and speake up for the young generation the younger generation is inspiring the older generation to speak up for their own cause and the younger generation is trying to change the world make change in the world. The older generation is getting inspired by the younger generation.  For example “A lawmaker from california met with some people from her district recently. Her name is Senator Dianne Feinstein. The meeting was far from usual for visiting voters, however,They were mostly children from third grade to high school. 

In paragraph ten line 4 it states “Young people can truly commit to marching or rounding up followers. Along the way, they are often able to reach grown-ups who can bring change. In his  book “it’s our world too!” also credits the young activities” strong sense of right and wrong , as well as the power of being underestimated and the use of school as a place to organize” In this paragraph The Younger generation is marching because they are a part of the world The Older generation are not hearing the voice of the author. The younger generation are the part of the world.The younger generation is getting underestimated by the older generations.  

The voices of the younger generation will be heard in every society and the younger generation is speaking for the society and the older generation is taking action and the older generation is now including the younger generation as a part of the society and looking back in the history The voice of the younger generation were not being heard the older generations though that the younger generation idea were not important the younger generation was not being included as a part of the society.

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