12 Years a Slave Movie Analysis Essay Sample

📌Category: Entertainment, Movies
📌Words: 498
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 09 June 2022

Have you ever been in a situation where you were treated like property and your life did not matter? The film “ 12 years a slave”, directed in 2013 by Steve McQueen, tells a story about a young black man from the North named solomon who was kidnapped and sold into slavery. The movie follows him showing his struggle from living as a free man to being a slave, and describes how slaves are treated and sold as property . Solomon experience was one of the ‘countless of free black men who was kidnapped and then sold into slavery. Looking through the cultural lens, the film 12 years of slave shows the separation of two groups Black and white people through slavery and how one is dominated over the other. 

For instance a “ 12 years a slave” main focus which they talk about were slavery. The movie depicts the suffering of solomon and other black people who are affected through slavery. During those times white men would kidnap and sell black people into slavery, leaving them without a family and lonely. “I’d be just as certain they’re counting the money paid for delivering you to this place”(northup, 12 years a slave 18:20-18:24). Solomon is still in disbelief that he was sold into slavery by people who promise him nothing but good things. 

Racism played a key role in 12 years a slave, without racism people like solomon and other black people would not be treated like animals. Blacks were being oppressed by the whites and made to work for them while being treated inhumane. To keep them under control they were beaten and made to think less of themselves to not fight back. “Are you a slave? NO”(northup, 12 years a slave 15:05-15:08). Solomon was beaten until he could accept the fact that he was a slave. Analysis

Along with Slavery and Racism, 12 years a slave shows the important part of family and the longing for them when they are not around you. After Solomon Northup was captured all he would continuously talk about was his family and wanting to get back to them. We saw how depressed he got when he came to terms with his situation and knowing he would not see his family again. As a result of slavery black family was separated and sold, leaving the mothers with a longing to see their child and will to do anything. “You will have the most faithful slave in me...but I beg that you do not separate us”(Northup, 12 years a slave 30:09- 30:18) The quote describe a woman pleading as she and her children are about to be sold separately. 

In conclusion after looking through the cultural lens, The film “12 years a slave show the courage of one men fights to see his family while battle slavery and racism after being sold. My over all impression of the film 12 years a slave is very heart breaking, i can’t imagine not being able see my family let alone be kidnap and sold. It took 12 years for him to get the freedom that was stolen from him. Countless other men did not get justice and that alone makes this movie disturbing to watch. 

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