Argumentative Essay on Being An Outsider Is A Negative Thing

📌Category: Interpersonal relationship, Sociology
📌Words: 625
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 01 February 2022

Do you think being an outsider is a negative thing or a positive thing? To me, I think that being an outsider is a negative thing because,¨The Stolen Party¨, ¨The White Umbrella¨, and Rosie King, show ways of how being an outsider is a bad/negative thing. If you don´t believe me then you´ll believe the reasons in these paragraphs.

First, ¨The Stolen Party¨ is about a girl who is the daughter of a maid for a rich family. Her name is Rosaura and she thinks she's been invited to a party by her ¨friend¨ (Luciana). In paragraph 6 it says, “I’m going because I’ve been invited,” she said. “And I’ve been invited because Luciana is my friend. So there.”. At the party, she gets some ¨red flags¨ about being used as a slave without realizing it. In paragraph 32 it says, “Just then Señora Ines arrived saying shh shh, and asked Rosaura if she wouldn’t mind helping serve out the hot dogs, as she knew the house so much better than the others.“. Then, in the end, she realizes and now she regrets coming to the party. This is negative because Rosaura doesn´t belong with higher class people and she doesn't find this out till after the party. Which causes her to be sad to tear up now knowing she's now a slave to Luciana´s family. It's also negative because now this ruins Rosaura and Luciana´s ¨friendship¨between each other.

Secondly, in ¨The White Umbrella¨, it is about a girl who wants a white umbrella, but the family is poor and the mom is working constantly. So they have to take care of themselves every night because the mom wouldn’t come back until after 5:30. In Paragraph 8 it says, ”Nevertheless, she tried to be discreet; and if my mother wasn’t home by 5:30, we would start cooking by ourselves, to make sure dinner would be on time. Mona would wash the vegetables and put on the rice; I would chop”. Eventually, the author gets the white umbrella just to find out how much the mom is to her and not the umbrella. This is negative because the author doesn’t have anyone taking care of her besides Miss Crosman. This is also sad because the author wants is something she could love because her mom isn’t around. In the end, the author finally finds out how important her mom is more than anything. In paragraph 135 it says, “Mom!” I screamed. “Mom! Wake up!”She opened her eyes. “Please don’t yell,” she said. “Enough people are going to yell already.”.“I thought you were dead,” I said, starting to cry. “I thought you were dead.”.

Thirdly, Rosie King is an autistic adult who had a hard life because she had autism her entire life and so did her siblings, “They can't speak. And people would often write off someone who's nonverbal, but that's silly because my little brother and sister are the best siblings that you could ever hope for.” This is on here because Rosie had a hard time in class because her imagination would make her scream. Her parent found this cute and funny, but not the class. You would think that getting good grades would be hard but Rosie king managed to get through school, “I've got to rock backward and forwards, or sometimes scream. This gives me so much energy, and I've got to have an outlet for all that energy. But I've done that ever since I was a child, ever since I was a tiny little girl. And my parents thought it was cute, so they didn't bring it up, but when I got into school, they didn't really agree that it was cute.” 

Finally, Being an outsider is a negative thing because outsiders have anxiety, they´re different from others, or they have autism. Either way,  outsiders don’t have the nicest time fitting in because of how different they are to everyone. So in the end, outsiders have a bad time fitting in, and being an outsider is a negative thing.

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