Cause and Effect Essay: The Negative Effect of Social Media

📌Category: Entertainment, Social Media
📌Words: 572
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 03 April 2022

Do you ever find yourself contemplating whether or not social media is good for you? More than 210 million people notice how detrimental social media is for their mental and social health. Social media has not been around for that long and some may not know the dangers. The internet is terrible for today's society because it is a hotspot for bullying, extremely addictive, and  can cause mental illnesses

To begin with, the internet is a hotspot for bullying; also known as cyberbullying. Cyberbullying and online harassment are easier to commit than other forms of bullying because the aggressor doesn't have to confront their target in person. An article from Healthway states, “Since social media use lowers empathy and increases aggression in teens, it is the perfect environment for cyberbullying.” (Sauer). Another article states, “Bullying, a growing problem associated with social media use, has become a significant public health concern that can lead to mental and behavioral health issues and an increased risk of suicide.” ( Young 1). These pieces of information show that social media is harmful because of the harassment and bullying that takes place.  If fewer people were to use social media, bullying rates would be lower.

In addition, social media is extremely addicting, especially to children and teens. Some people find themselves scrolling through social networking websites more than they feel they should. Statistics show that over 40% of people feel addicted to the internet. An article states, “Social networking sites light up the same part of the brain that also ignites when taking an addictive substance” (sheer 1). This information explains that social media is comparable to a drug because of how addictive it is. Another website states, “social media has negative effects on your job and school work due to the overuse of social media… increased use during other activities, such as hanging out with friends and family.” (Legg). This means that not only are people addicted to social media, but it affects our social and work lives. If people are constantly on their devices, it can drain their social life.

Next, social networking can cause mental health and body image issues. Social platforms can be extremely toxic, especially to young teens. An article states, “Studies have found a correlation between the time spent on social media and a negative body image. The correlation is especially true when participants were scrolling through appearance-related content, like accounts of a fitness instructor or model on Instagram. Social media images are filled with people presenting the best version of themselves.” (Flepps). This quote shows that the more time spent on social media, the more you are exposed to toxic posts and unrealistic body types. The article states, “A negative body image can cause unrealistic expectations of how your body should look and can lead to unhealthy eating behaviors and disordered eating.” (Flepps). This piece of information means that the unrealistic view of the media can cause mental health issues.

Although social media does give a space for people to connect from all over the world, however, this is wrong and quite alarming because it can be extremely dangerous. An article reads, “Some prey on the anonymity of online interactions to carry out their malicious acts. The internet can be a dangerous place for people if you’re not careful.” (Wambui). This proves that talking to people on the internet is dangerous and some people may not be who they seem.

Social media is negative because bullying occurs often, it is addictive, and it can cause mental illnesses. Anyone can be a victim of cyberbullying and many are. Social media is ruining lives because of how addictive it can be. Social media is extremely toxic and can cause many mental health issues.

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