Essay Sample about Climate Change

📌Category: Climate Change, Environment
📌Words: 403
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 28 January 2022

I have to admit, I am not too great at this kind of thing. But with the issue up I'm curious on what progress is being made as well. I can't decide if I am happy or not with what is being done.

So far the start to fighting climate change is starting, not in closing smokestacks. The world leaders said “faint signs of progress”. On Monday September 20th 2021, the Feet-to-the-Fire meeting held. And the world leaders are pointing towards tomorrow, although it may be next month.

Hoping for good news from the U.S president on Tuesday, on the goals Antonio Guterres has. Focusing on Climate change at the end of another disaster related summer. One with wildfires, flooding, heat waves. The British prime minister hosted a meeting, and the most at risk countries brought up. ‘Pleading for the development of the world to step up to the plate’.

Guterres Goals: 

Emission reduction 45% of 2010 levels by 2030.

$100 billion to help poor countries.

Half of the said money goes towards helping poor nations adapt to climate change.

Expecting the 35-40 world leaders, with only 21 Heads of state actually present. With that said, the top 4 countries who cause the most carbon pollution. China, Russia, United States, and India, sent their emissions .

The United States representative said they agree to $100 billion a year of the U.S shares. Can’t say there is much progress with the other countries committing. Guterres said, “Unless we change course there is a high risk of failure.” and negotiations with china failed because of the reluctance to cooperate with America. Pushing for the $100 billion to help other countries cope. Studies show the world is about $20 billion a year short. And that funding has dropped 25% last year for the "vulnerable of the most vulnerable".

To rid the world of coal-fired power, along with internal combustion engines. And commit to the $100 billion plan to help other countries. "We're the guys who created the problem" -Johnson. During the meeting other government leaders, etc, are in New York City for climate week.

The goal the United Nations has is to limit warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius (4.9 degrees Fahrenheit). Meaning 0.4 degrees Celsius (0.7 degrees Fahrenheit). The current pledge, based on the path the world is on is 2.7 degrees Celsius (4.9 degrees Fahrenheit). And the world can't live in 2.7 degrees. 

I learned a lot with this assignment, and I hope I did a good job at simplifying the article. While writing this essay of sorts, I still can't quite place if it is a positive or negative in my books.

Remember! This is just a sample.

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