Essay Sample on Recycling

📌Category: Environment
📌Words: 355
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 30 August 2022

To recycle or to not recycle? After reading both passages: “Going Green for Gatesburg” and “No Recycling Laws for Gatesburg”; I believe that Gatesburg should go green. It will help improve the environment and can save money. 

Saving the environment has never been as critical as it is right now. With water and air pollution, the changing of weather, and the safety of our work for not only us now but the next generation. Stopping so much from going to the landfills will help keep our oceans cleaner. Having cleaner oceans means healthier aquatic animals; healthier animals means more of a food population; more of a food population means more money for all the different types of fishermen out there. 

Have you ever heard the phrase “spend money to make money”? Well that phrase comes to play here. Gatesburg will have to spend money placing this initiative. Buying the bins needed and hiring staff. However it will have the potential to make it back and then some. Going back to the article “Going Green for Gatesburg” There is a fact about how a city in Arizona. In just one calendar year by selling the cities recycling the city made over 500 billion dollars. Just think about what that kind of money can go too! Giving schools more money to pay staff, newer equipment for the children, better after school and summer programs. It could help plant more trees. It could go towards hospitals or treatment centers. 

In the “No Recycling for Gatesburg” they talk about how the city is planning to put chips in the bins. They say its a breach of privacy. They compare it to cameras. I however do not agree with that statement. You are not being watched. The city is not going to watch your every move to the recycling bins. They are just trying to track the weights. This will help them get real numbers. It will collect data that in return will help the program to see if anything needs to be changed. To make sure the city is not wasting taxpayer money. 

In conclusion I agree with bringing recycling into Gatesburg. I believe it will be a great thing for the city. Gatesburg can help play a part in saving the world and make some money doing it.

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