Essay Sample on Tobacco Use

📌Category: Addiction, Health
📌Words: 487
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 01 April 2022

Tobacco use has a predominantly negative effect on human health, while the conflict on the health effect of tobacco has a long controversial history. Tobacco use has been argued as the leading cause of preventable death all around the globe. Statistics found overwhelming evidence that it deliberately causes disease affecting vital organs. Historical events have been outlined tracing back as early as World War One. Scientists and medical professionals have researched and expressed concerns about the negative effects that come from the consumption of Tobacco products. 

As many as half of the people who consume tobacco die from complications of tobacco use. The World Health Organization estimated that around 6 million deaths occur and at least 600,000 of those deaths are those who are non-smokers, impacted by secondhand smoke. The 20th century is estimated to have accumulated around 100 million deaths. At the rate at which the tolls rise we may see as many as 1 billion people die in the 21st century. Some are lucky to reach 65 at these rates of diseases inflicted upon the public.

Cancer plague those we care about from the infectious habits of smoking. Killing the heart, life, and most of all the lungs. Smoking plays major risk factors associated with pneumonia, heart attacks, strokes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and a variety of cancers few have been able to withstand. All effects vary from the consumer due to times, surroundings, and how much has been smoked. Secondhand smoke has been shown to have adverse actions at all ages robing those who don't participate of their lively hood by simply being a bystander. Who wants to watch their loved ones go before their time when it could easily be avoided? Tobacco has been shown to be a significant factor in miscarriages amongst pregnant smokers. Causing a number of health problems on the fetus leading to premature births, low birthing weights for the children, and increasing chances of sudden infant death syndrome. It’s crazy to see how far this has come. Prior to the first World War, lung cancer was seen as rare.

During the conflict of the waged war, cigarettes became popular. In some surplus of rations, a pack would be stored in the servicemember’s MREs. Leading to the popular branding of "Lucky Strike". Many service members would turn one cigarette upside down and save it for last as a sign of good luck. Following the rise of popularity, so did the epidemics of lung cancer.

The horrors and devastating health issues that have plagued this world let alone the country taking countless lives over something as simple as a "habit", surely have no place in society today. Outlawing the ability of smoking may be met with harsh resistance in the beginning. Nonetheless, it is in fact for the greater good. Why was the virtue of life on something that robs your loved ones of the fruits of everlasting memories vs the tattered scars left in craters caused by the toxins of tobacco? Banning the use of smoked tobacco with impact the population in aspects linked to the quality of life, and on the environmental front. Be the change you want to see.

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