Essay Sample: Rebuilding America

📌Category: Americas, Economics, World
📌Words: 1042
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 18 June 2022

Rebuilding America

(Attention getter) Inflation is a big problem for America. When the prices rise for one commodity it tends to ripple onto others. When everyone has something then it is not very valuable because everyone has it. When prices change for one product or service, usually everything else will adjust. (Background of argument)  Everything would be cheaper if we stopped printing money because there would be less of it to go around which makes it worth more and prices will drop for products. (Evidence A) For example, if diesel fuel prices rise, trucking companies have to charge more to ship products. When truckers charge more to ship products stores have to charge more for the product, and so on. Companies will not keep prices the same if they have to spend more money. They will always raise prices to match the market. Rising inflation is eroding workers’ wage gains. The consumer price index (CPI) rose at a 6.2 percent annual rate in October, the highest America has seen in more than two decades. A gallon of gasoline costs about 60 percent more today than it did this time last year.   (Claim) We can start to build up America again but we need to start by lowering inflation. This would help with some of the other things that need to be  adjusted in America. An easy way to do that is to stop printing money for a temporary period. When inflation is higher than average that means that money is becoming more worthless. To make money worth more there needs to be a limited quantity. The Money Supply increases faster than real output then, ceteris paribus, inflation will occur. When you print more money, the number of goods and services in the economy doesn’t change. However, if you print money, households will have more cash and more money to spend on goods. If there is more money chasing the same number of goods, companies will increase prices. This is what happened to Germany during the great depression. They had hyperinflation and used money to start fires, insulation, toilet paper and much more because it evidently became useless. They printed so much money that it made regular sums of money worth almost nothing. This caused even the richest people in Germany to descend into poverty.

 (Topic sentence 1)Taxes in the United States of America are the most complicated in the entire world. “In addition to federal income tax collected by the United States, most individual U.S. states collect a state income tax. Some local governments also impose an income tax, often based on state income tax calculations.(Evidence B) Forty-two states and many localities in the United States impose income taxes on individuals. Eight of the fifty states impose no state income tax. New Hampshire, has an individual income tax on dividends and interest income but not other forms of income. Forty-seven states and many localities impose a tax on the income of corporations.”(Amarnath) Taxes should be the same rate in each state to try and level out the higher income states with the lower income states. New York is the highest taxed state because of the people that live there in the small amount of space. Hawaii is the 2nd most taxed state and it's because all the products are shipped in from the states and other countries. (Counter Point) These states make sense, but the next states in line are Maine and Vermont, they are some of the most underpopulated states and they have within the top five most expensive tax rates. If tax rates were the same this could boost the economy in the small states and maybe even a little in the more populated states. Almost every state in America has a lottery. Alaska, Alabama, Hawaii, Utah, and Nevada are the exceptions. “Lottery winnings are considered ordinary taxable income for both federal and state tax purposes. That means your winnings are taxed the same as your wages or salary. When you file taxes you are required to report the entire sum you receive each year on your tax return”. (Amarnath) If every state had a lottery this would raise the potential for taxes to be lowered since more money would come from the hypothetical lotteries. This would allow the average American to save on taxes every year. We should also adjust the tax laws on imports and tariffs. “The government of a developing economy will levy tariffs on imported goods in industries in which it wants to foster growth. This increases the prices of imported goods and creates a domestic market for domestically produced goods while protecting those industries from being forced out by more competitive pricing.” (Radcliffe) When we raise tariffs and import taxes it usually makes a country more dependent on itself because less stuff is coming in and out so it makes more people buy things made in America and that helps out the economy.

(Top sentence 3) The final situation America should work on is climate control and co2 gases.(Evidence C) “As a nation, Americans generate more waste than any other nation in the world with 4.5 pounds (2.0 kg) of municipal solid waste per person per day, fifty-five percent of which is contributed as residential garbage”. (EPA) (Transition Sentence) Lots of trash in America is plastic and biodegradable. When we increase our amount of recycling it can provide more jobs and help out with the air quality. Most trash in America is put into the ground and let earth do its thing dissolving the trash over time. This can take millions of years, plastic can take up to 10 million years to decompose and dissolve. America is suffering a lot from overpopulation and deforestation. This is caused by more people moving into America and there isn't enough room in empty house lots. This causes people to buy big fields that produce food and clean air and turn them into subdivisions that create more trash and c02. “Humans are increasingly influencing the climate and the earth's temperature by burning fossil fuels, cutting down forests and farming livestock. This adds enormous amounts of greenhouse gases to those naturally occurring in the atmosphere, increasing the greenhouse effect and global warming”. (EPA) We can help with climate change by no longer cutting down forests and decreasing the amount of livestock production. We  also need to clean up dead trees in the forests across the United states. It could help with climate change by making more room for other plants and trees to grow. (Rebuttal) This is causing a pretty large problem, but I'm not sure of any way to stop it other than new regulations. (Concluding sentence) That would most likely be unfair for other people that build houses for a living.


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