Higher Education in the US Essay Example

📌Category: Education, Higher Education, United States, World
📌Words: 694
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 05 June 2022

In a country with such a large impoverished population, the United States should work to create free, or significantly reduced higher education to provide more equal opportunities, promote more individual thinking, and benefit overall society. Education, as the backbone of every functioning society or cultural community, is necessary for all individuals all over the globe. There is no question about the importance of education to enhance the lives of people from all types of backgrounds. However, a large population of individuals, specifically in the United States, but also all over the globe, are lacking in the economic resources needed for a strong, higher education. Regardless of the uncontrollable financial status that individuals are born into, higher education should be available to all. 

The clear abundance of economic variety in the United State creates obvious differences between each class of individuals. Growing up in a society with such defined economic classes can have a huge impact on the mental, intellectual, and even physical well being of a child. However, by creating an all inclusive educational system to promote the equal opportunities of future generations, children can begin together at a baseline. Growing and learning from an equal standpoint would allow for all children, despite their uncontrollable class they were born into, to grow and become as equally successful as their economically different counterparts. “Increasing evidence supports the link between lower [socioeconomic status (SES)] and negative psychological health outcomes, while more positive psychological outcomes such as optimism, self-esteem and perceived control have been linked to higher levels of SES for youth.” (American Psychological Association) Although what type of socioeconomic household an individual is born into is uncontrollable modernly, by creating an equal opportunity for higher education, those individuals who would typically not have such opportunities, have the same opportunity for success for their future family. The success runs full circle so that all future generations are able to provide for themselves and their families, simply beginning with an inclusive higher education. This inclusivity of education and therefore success, will have a generational impact on mental health, due to the fact that socioeconomic status and mental health are directly related; thus, creating a healthier world. 

Education also opens the door to independent thinking. In thinking for oneself, one becomes more creative and analytical in thinking and thus new ideas are born. Not only is education important for learning basic facts, but in learning how to learn, one learns how to think. This independent thinking promotes “[problem solving skills, communication skills, empathy, etc]” (Central Asia Institute) All of these skills eventually work their way into the workforce, creating stronger workers and a more successful country. Due to the fact that the entire country would benefit from such highly educated workers, free or cheaper education should be implemented. So many individuals already have insufficient funds for basic necessities, let alone a college education. But providing all individuals equally with such opportunities as to attend a higher education institution, their future generations would have a higher chance of becoming more successful than their predecessors. 

Significantly reducing the cost of higher education would lead to the question of where the money to pay teachers and upkeep the physical infrastructure would come from. Taking various countries that already implement a cheap or free higher education, it is likely that the United States would either raise taxes or rearrange the tax money directory. While this seems like it would only burden the previously stated, financially struggling individuals, that is not always the case. Naturally, specific circumstances of impoverished individuals would qualify for a tax break. Also, as time goes on and more individuals take advantage of a cheaper education, higher paying jobs would be more accessible with degrees obtained from the new education system. A degree that will no longer put college graduates in decades of financial debt, thus making it easier for citizens to survive while also paying enough taxes. Again, the ability to pay the new taxes will be much more attainable with the national elimination of college debt. 

Overall, education is an extremely important factor in terms of an aging society, an individual and their family, and any progress in the world. By broadening the population of educated individuals, there will be more perspectives and ideas brought to light. In a country labeled as a melting pot of different cultures, beliefs, and perspectives, an accessible education could provide the country with new ideas and stronger, more intelligent citizens to provide new scientific and artistic practices. Accessibilizing higher education would only benefit the entirety of society and its individuals.

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