Exploratory Essay: the Five Senses

📌Category: Science
📌Words: 395
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 10 July 2022

Sensory is the sensation or physical senses transmitted through the five senses. The five senses are sight, taste, smell, hear, and touch. Everyone has experienced a moment where their senses ultimately moved them.  The experiences could have that person look at something differently or someone. Looking back at childhood memories I can still smell the faint freshness at the park or birds chirping in the morning while waiting on the bus. The memories I have are intact because of all five of my sense even if it is very faint. This brings me back to when I went to Kentucky and stayed in the college house. The house had my senses going into overload with all of the new things I witnessed.

On  August 8, 2016, I was just pulling up to a strange house. The house was a two-story white picket fence type of house. The trees were massive and just waving in the air. In Kentucky, the weather was colder you had a breeze flowing through your freshly done braids. The walkway had little blocks on the ground to lead you to the front door. The blocks had little cracks that reminded me of a worn-down sidewalk. The house was located in a busy neighborhood you could hear the cars zooming by.  Walking up the steps you heard creaks that would alarm anyone you were there. I was terrified of staying in a house even if it was only for a night. I was used to a quiet neighborhood with quiet cars that had a little hum.  The smell outside almost had my body jumping with joy heading for the nearest food place.

After, observing all of the outside noises and sights it was time to go inside. From the living room, I could tell the house was going to be different from any place I have ever stayed in. The smell that hit my nose once I stepped in was very old-like. The smell made me assume the house didn’t really get many visitors. The couch was a faded crimson color with enough room for a football team. Every step I took you could hear the high-pitched tapping of my previous step. My mother was in front of me checking the house to make sure it was safe. We both noticed that there was a door at the end of the stairs leading to the second floor. The door was dusky with a dull doorknob that squeaked once touched. The stairs were surprisingly polished brown with no distinct sound.

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