Free Admission Essay Sample: George Mason University

📌Category: Education, Higher Education
📌Words: 840
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 24 September 2022

Higher education, although an uphill battle, has been the top priority in my life as I understand the value and passion required for historical and archeological studies. I grew up in a lower-class family with two parents who like most of their generation went directly into the working class at 16. My family although growing up with little luxury, focused on education every chance they could get. While my father worked from sunrise to sundown each day and my mother worked part-time as a secretary and then full-time as an educator for my sibling and I. She ran a full garden with us as her helpers teaching us each name of the plants in Latin as we nibbled on fresh fruits and veggies, in the house the office was filled with second-hand books on historical figures and classical literature, I remember her not being sure whether to be upset or impressed when I read through her copy of it at the age of 9. Although life has not given me many privileges, my mother’s passion for a world beyond our hometown was what we needed. In a town with a population of a little less than 700, in a county that faced the lowest education in every aspect possible, although scarce education and knowledge have been the forecrux of my life thus far. Archaeology has become a growing passion of mine in the most recent years. However, I have always been interested in history due to my mother’s value in education. I grew up with car rides filled with stories of local history although at the time it came with an eye roll instead of interest.

That all changed when I attended community college and was captivated by Professor Curcio, a severely eccentric historian with a background in theatrics made each discussion ever so interesting. After obtaining my Associates in History I came to the realization that hands-on learning was easier for me so I turned towards Archaeology. Continuing my education I pursued a bachelor’s in archaeology at Sweet Briar College. Unfortunately for me, the second semester there reflected poorly on my academic performance due to the effects of COVID-19 and the loss of my grandfather in the middle of the semester. I was able to turn myself back around thanks to my professors. I have worked closely with the head of Archaeology at SBC, Dr.Erin Pitt, and the Dean of Academics, Teresa Garrett, for my senior seminar project I have passionately worked on revitalizing SBC’s lab space and cataloging previous digs. This opportunity has given me insight into the lad methods used in Archaeology. Through my time at SBC I have had the opportunity to study the effects of imperialism/colonialism in the western world as well as the events and historical impacts of the black plague, and the culture surrounding the ancient Mediterranean. The study of said topics has led me to my own personal interests including but not limited to the study of gentrification as a risk to modern education & health, the preservation of education, and historical preservation. 

Outside of SBC, I was fortunate enough to attend the University of Idaho’s field school this previous summer at Fort Sherman. Through this experience, we learned field methods and the culture and history behind the Coeur D’Alene tribe. Although not my usual classical studies as focused through SBC, I was able to expand my archaeological interests. Alongside that notion, long before my pursual of Archaeology, I was able to volunteer at my hometown’s lighthouse. Through my volunteer work, we focused on preserving historical information regarding the previous use of the lighthouse and gathered artifacts of the decade it was previously in use (the 1920s). 

Outside of my academic life, I have worked hard to pay my way for school through my employment at Plant Partners and Regal Cinemas. I have also expressed my interest in underground funk music through my presidency of SBC’s Radio club. My love of the outdoors has also given way to my work with SBC’s agricultural operations in which I have worked in the community garden and have honed my skills of beekeeping in the school's apiary. When I am home in New Jersey I find it important to give back to the community that raised me so I have spent over 50 hours of volunteer time with the local food pantry and  Any passion that I am given an opportunity to work in is an immediately vital focus of my life.

Such interest has brought me to apply to George Mason. Through my studies, I have stumbled across GMU’s current associate professor Dr. Smith’s publication Bisexual Science as I have always tried to focus my studies on minority groups in order to diversify history. Alongside Dr.Smith’s works, I am interested in working with Anne Schiller with her interest in Florentinian studies, as the majority of my studies at SBC have followed a very classical focus. Through George Mason University I hope to expand my current knowledge in my studies but also broaden topics that I may have yet to indulge in. I am also hoping that the proximity of the campus to the Smithsonian will help create opportunities to work in their archival system whether as an intern or employee. To reiterate my interest in what is offered at GMU, I believe that my attendance will not only be a window to strengthen my career but a chance for me to bring my enthusiasm to GMU.

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