Future Dream Reflective Essay Sample

📌Category: Dreams, Life
📌Words: 413
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 27 September 2022

Although some people may think focusing on the present  is important, focusing on the future is more important because thinking about the future will change the outcomes of your actions and thinking about the future motivates people to work harder and do better.

When people are put into a dire situation they tend to focus on the present but they should think about their future because of the consequences of their actions.In the novel Long Way Down Will is going to kill the person who murdered his brother. While he’s on the way to kill his brothers murderer he goes into a elevator and sees the ghost of his relatives, this makes Will start thinking about his future because he knows if he goes through with it then they’ll be very bad concenques.Will is talking to his dead relatives and they are each giving him a reason to start thinking about the future and they are telling him if he kills his brothers murderer then he will undergo serious consenques. While Will is thinking of his future he starts debating with himself if he should go through with killing his murderer. While Will was in a dire situation he started to think about his consequences and this made him think about the future.Altogether thinking about the future in a dire situation will make a person realize the consequences of their actions.

Furthermore when people are living in poor conditions they think of a future dream and they can get motivated and start working hard. In the novel Of Mice and Men George and Lennie are living in poverty and want to change things they want to own a ranch. They got a job in a ranch so they can save money for their dream ranch. They are working hard for their dream because they want their future dream to come true.George and Lennie start to work hard at a ranch so they can make enough money to buy a ranch for themselves. While both of them are motivated from the same dream they are making sure they stay focused so they can keep working hard so they can make their future come true. Everyday they work they dream about their future ranch together and think about everything it is going to have.

Ultimately having a future dream will motivate people by working hard to make sure they see their dream come true. Will is thinking about his future because he knows the consequences of his actions, George and Lennie are thinking about their future and this motivates them to strive to their goal. These characters are in different situations but are connected by their future.

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