Improving School Education System Essay Example

📌Category: Education, School
📌Words: 1262
📌Pages: 5
📌Published: 21 September 2022

The school system is unwinding and deteriorating right in front of our eyes. It no longer holds the same value and message that it was once built on; sending students off for greatness. A school is supposed to educate, stimulate, and engage kids into wanting to further their education and have a successful impact on their community. But the problem is, kids don’t want to learn anymore, and in some schools, aren’t even given the opportunity. The education system is failing itself and it’s no longer encouraging and prioritizing individualism. Schools now emphasize an idea where the education is soulless and stale, due to excessive authority within a classroom, dull curriculums, and an idea where individualism is not prioritized.

Teachers are people we should be more thankful for. They educate, they guide, and they lead. However, when is there too much power given to teachers? Students no longer rely on teachers for help, however are fearful towards them. For example, “Because she’s older and the teacher, she’s right and I’m not.” (Cisneros 2).  Cisneros' work in Eleven further proves this idea that children are heavily intimidated by their teachers by her anxiety to explain to her teacher it’s not her sweater and instead puts it on. Kids have been brainwashed into believing that no matter the situation, the teacher is always right. Students must swallow their words and thoughts if it so dares to cross the meaning of the highly acclaimed words spoken by our teachers. Kids are fearful to talk back when they are right and trained to believe they have no importance. This stigma where kids can only learn from the teacher neglects the part where teachers can learn from kids. You can always learn more no matter the age. Students should not be afraid to express new ideas or arguments and should be allowed to have the freedom of new thoughts. An apparent thought outside of what the teacher believes in is almost strictly forbidden. Abide by the rules, obey the teachers every command, live, breathe and eat all the material they feed you, with no second thought or else consequences will appear. Concepts like this is what makes education uninspiring and plodding by giving students a notion that they are not valued anymore. Why would a child want to learn in an environment where they are not given any worth or opportunity to be different and speak freely? 

The school curriculum is repetitive and flat out boring. Interests in the subject matter have decreased rapidly, but no one can say anything. Why? Because teachers must not be challenged. “.I find myself, each September, increasingly appalled by the dismal lists of texts that her sons are doomed to waste a school year reading.” (Prose 176) states that schools don’t fulfill up to introducing stimulating texts, but consequently love to waste a child's time with recognized “award-winning” books all throughout their life. Every year, every month, every day, are the same books and writings and education given to every student. There is no stimulation within the classroom and no real bonds and experiences being made. Textbook learning is not the way many kids learn. Skimming past insufferable books made in the 18th century and creating a rhetorical analysis have no lasting impact on a student. They forget everything they have learned and leave the classroom with no love for learning. The English language is dying and the school education system is only assisting this. Redundant literature written centuries ago filled with outdated metaphors and complex euphemisms won’t revive our decaying language. These boring texts slug their brains and distract kids from the real truth the world shows. Intelligence will be on the brink of extinction if schools continue to force lifeless education among students.

A school's purpose is to make sure a student is learning. However, kids are not learning anymore. We are given dull books and expected to analyze, evaluate, and even write a rhetorical analysis on it. From primary to high school, I have been expected to skim through these works with no complaints, no matter how unstimulating and anemic the words on the text bleed out onto the pages with so much potential. Schools can not expect us to want to keep learning, yet notwithstanding, we have no say. What they give us is what we must learn, and we are not allowed to explore our interests outside of the strict box the education system has trapped us into. This isn’t just a thought expressed by published authors who feel like schools are basically an imprisonment where exhibition is restrained. Real students feel like this as well. Our own student in this class, Mackenzie Miller, herself has stated that “I don’t enjoy learning new content at school because the teachers are boring and so are the subjects.”. What once used to be a place kids looked forward to for showing creativity and imagination then turned into a gray, bleak jail cell where freedom can be revoked in a minute if a student dares to speak out. Stick to the guideline and you will be set for life is what they are taught. There is no passion among students to want to read more, explore more, invent more. No one strives to better themselves or their world because they are scared to reach for the stars. 

Curiosity and inventiveness was something once highly appreciated. Where would we be in a society without the peculiar thinking Thomas Edison provided to create the light bulb or Alexander Graham Bell’s cleverness for the invention of the phone? Divergent, individualistic thinking is what leads to advancements in society. Not clinging to the rule book. The school system's forced ideology that a set system of regulations and countless time wasting assignments is not helping anyone. It’s blocking a future budding inventor from finding his true passion and even a developing author into advancing her writing style. If schools don’t change and enable creativity within their students, advancement in society will cease to exist. If this trend within schools continues, humans will become carbon copies of each other and live in an almost 9-5 simulation. No creativity will exist, no distinctiveness, no real identity among people. That is a world no one would like to live in and no one should.

While some might argue that schools are perfect the way it is right now and new inventions and ideas come out everyday, that is because these inventors defied the harsh structure schools provided and thought for themselves. For example, a third year college student and his friend dropped out of school to start thinking for themselves and have a real world impact; one college could not provide them with. This person is now successfully and famously known as Bill Gates, who formed Microsoft, one of the most leading software companies in our time. People don’t have to be restrained to the cages schools provide and can make a name for themselves without it. If schools provided an opportunity for students to express themselves, Bill Gates could have possibly continued his education at Harvard and created something bigger than Microsoft. However, the painful prudence schools provided stopped the full potential Microsoft could have had which we will never know.

Schools truly want to see a student strive for the best though, even while their actions may say otherwise. Schools can not and will not ever be perfect but small steps can be taken to improve the depressing conditions students have been stuck in for countless years. Implementing more space for creativity within the classroom that have real impacts a student will take out the classroom rather than planning activities like “packing a bag to reenact what you would take if you were Anne Frank and had to leave” (Prose 182) can stimulate children's minds and encourage them to want to learn more. Learning is always going to have a large impact on a person, and no one will ever learn enough. By providing classes and curriculums to have a place for imagination and exploring new interests, the school education system can be improved as much as possible and send out students into the real world prepared to be unique and find new scenarios.

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